Random magical girl concept scenario

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Hello everyone ! Today I really wanted to make a random concept ( you know when someone script their magical girl story come to life, I really enjoy reading concepts and I wanna make one that isn't for me. )

I think its more like a free to use concept for people that don't know how will their story go-

So, let me introduce the concept I made for fun ! :


While she was walking home, she could hear a little noise, like if it was coming from the sky.

She then ignored it until the noise became louder and louder.

She watched the sky, a small, Weird looking creature was falling, and it bumped into her.


The girl said. She was looking at the creature, it looked so weird, and it was so small.

"Omg ! I am so sorry, are you hurt ?"

The creature said.

"D-Did you just talked ?!"

She asked, definitely shocked.

"Oh, once again, I'm sorry ! My name is Era, I am, I mean I was, the protector of the 4 crystals... I am here to ask you something, could you please, take those crystals and give 3 of them to your desired persons ? There is *insert your 4 desired colors*, you can choose one of them, the one you like the most. We should do fast, some weird creatures want to capture me and I don't know why ! They also want to steal the 4 crystals to make more of them ! Its getting instoppable ! They are 300, if we destroy all of them, we should be safe again. So please, help me !"

The little creature looked very serious, and it was so cute ! But the girl was very surprised, it gave her the 4 crystals, she choosed the *insert color* one and hide the other ones in her pocket ( or anything else ), she then thanks Era and promise that she will do everything she have to destroy all the monsters with the help of her future teamates ! While they are walking and chatting, 3 weird creatures are being created by black liquid on the ground.

( then everything is desired. )


Era was now stone, he ( Era is a boy btw ) was immobile, but he wasn't dead just not enable to move.

The evil girl take Era and laugh evily. Her name was Mina, she has black hair and eyes, she was around their age ( the protagonists ), and they were all in a black world, just black, with nothing else but a flying black crystal.

The girl fainted a while ago, and her 3 friends couldn't fight anymore, the evil girl was so strong. And she took the black crystal.

"It will finally have a end."

She evily say, and, she use the black crystal magic to break all the other crystals. Once they broke, the 3 magical girls fainted and their outfit turned back to normal. And Era broke too, He was dead.

But, only 2 crystals didn't broke , the black one, and the other one, the black one was the 5th crystal, there were not only 4 crystals, there were 5.

The evil girl tried to break the girl crystal, but she couldn't, the cristal was so strong, about 30 minutes later, she had enough and ate her own crystal, after eating it, she finally broke the last crystal. After the crystal broke, the girl woke up.

"Wh-What happened ?"

She then saw her friends, And their borken crystals, and her broken crystal too.

"Wait-Wait, NO !"

The girl was shocked, all the precious crystals, were broken, and Era was broken too inside his stone.

She standed right in front of the evil girl, that shined black because of her crystal she consummed.

"Why did you do this ? Do you think its fun ? Spawning monsters to attack us and stealing the crystals for your own sake."

"It would have never happened if they didn't break my legacy."

Mina said, crying.

"But now, I don't need happiness anymore, I don't need respect anymore, I don't need anyone anymore, I don't need your crystals anymore, I don't need Era anymore, I don't need anything anymore."

Mina started to fly as the darkness started to consumme her.

And she was transforming into something else.

( here what her transformation look like ) :

After that, Mina watched over the girl, crying next to her friends.

She then stand up and face Mina once again.

"I'll never let you do whatever you wanted to do with those monsters ! I'll protect my friends at all cost ! You killed Era, now you're going to regret this !"

The girl took all the shards of her crystal, and kissed them. She then closed her hand and a powerful beam recreated her crystal. When she Opened her hands, the crystal was normal once again but bigger and shiny. It then started to fly above her head.

"I finally understand, you are being possessed by the hatred, you did so much for your family legacy, but they never listened to you, you hated them, you wanted to make your own legacy, so you stole one of the 5 crystals, the black one, and took revenge on everyone. But now, you can stop hating on everyone, you can stop cursing everyone !"

She then transformed with *your ultimate outfit*, a powerful multicolor beam appeared and then the girl crystal became white and rainbow. She then took the crystal and shooted a rainbow ball in the "sky". A beam touch the girl and she scream as the black crystal appear again, after this, Mina lose all her evil powers, and the girl take her crystal.

"I'll remove all the impureties from it, and you'll be free, Mina."

The black crystal glow rainbow and become black again.

She then give it back to Mina and take the shards of the broken crystals of her friends, she recreate them and beautiful flowers appear and glow, as the sky appear and become clear, her friends wake up, and the broken stone of Era disappear.

"Era, I'll never forget you, and Mina, You are now free from the hatred."

"I am so sorry ! All I did was selfish ! I wanted my parents to be proud of me ! But it turned into dust ! So I wanted to make my own legacy ! How can I fix this ?"

"You don't need to fix it, but you can join us, if you want."

"Okay, I'll do it, I'll do it ! Why won't I do it ? I feel so sorry for you girls, I did so much horrible things ! Era didn't deserve this ! It was cruel ! Why was I so selfish ?!"

"That okay now, we are togheter, and togheter, we can face anything."

Months later, new villains appear, this time its a group. Magical girls are alway needed anyway, the 5 girls fight togheter, side-by-side.

If Era would see how strong they became, he would be proud of them.

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