Merry christmas

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Hi, I know I'm one day late but its because I couldn't update yesterday I was busy with my family. ANYWAY, I did nothing special yesterday because I don't celebrate christmas but I know a lot of people do so I made this chapter anyway.

I did got a pink toy wand that do a weird sound and light tho- ( okay my mom didn't want to buy it but I snucked it and she accepted her fate of accidentally buying it. )

Also I wanna write there ( some of y'all will hate me after this- ) That The hate toward Vanilla ( sugar sugar rune ) is not fair 😒. Like--- She was jealous of Chocola because she kept hiding things from her and people forgot about her and only cared about Chocola. I got that moment and its very painful yk ??? Like Queen Candy isn't supposed to give hints to both girls, she is supposed to treat them the same way and still only said to Chocola that she has high hopes for her. Ik that she's Vanilla's mom but still. Its not really fair she isn't supposed to say anything to both that encourage one better than another. I didn't watch episode 38 yet so idk if she'll change her ideals or not but I'm still mad at her.

ALSO, ( this is where the real crazyness start. ) I also am a protector Of waffle 😒😒😒 because a lot of ppl be thinking that she is annoying but she made the serie far for entertaining and funny to watch. I love her so much she is so funny and cute idc if she get malicious something she is such a little bean. I don't get the hate for her nor Vanilla y'all only have eyes for Chocola bruh 🙄. Vanilla and Waffle deserve more than that.

So yeah I finished my Sugar sugar rune rambling, now onto pichi pichi pitch.

A lot of people ( most of people actually) are thinking that Kaito and Gaito look the same. ( spoilers ahead ) LITERALLY THEY ARE BROTHERS- Literally there is a spoiler in the opening we see two similar heads shadows passe at eachothers and one look innocent the other look wicked. Gaito is the evil big brother and Kaito the little brother that doesn't know that he is not human.

Now onto pichi pichi pitch pure. ( 2nd saison )

The angel dude ( I alway forget his name ) is so weird like whaaaaa-All he do is literally making dumb plans and then leaving shards of The orange little mermaid ( I forgot her name too 😶 )

NOW, THE STUPIED SEASON OF ALL, Pichi pichi pitch aqua.

This one only has the manga. ( idk if they'll make an anime adaptation, I hope no, because the manga is not very well know its not popular if it get a anime version the mg animes fandom will get mad, trust me this is some crazy weird stuff. )


ISSUE NUMBER ONE : First of all, lets be honest there. The original story was made in 2003, Luchia was 13. MEANWHILE, the "season" 3 in 2021.

So far, 18 years passed between both. And Luchia is 32 in the manga.

Normal, right ?

👺Because trust me when I tell you that she look the same👺

They pointed out that she was a 32 year old woman in the manga but she still look the same 💀💀💀 She still look like a teenager 😃. Is it hum a mermaid thing ??? ( Rina look younger than when she was a teenager btw )

ISSUE NUMBER TWO : Now, we gotta talk about their mermaid culture. In mermaids age, a person is a adult at the age of 13. Which is why Luchia go to the human world at the age of 13. Rukia, her daughter, the new protagonist of the serie, is 17. She lived her whole life thinking she was a human. It was about her mom and dad ( Luchia and Kaito cause yeah they got married ) told her she was a mermaid, they were supposed to tell her at the age of 13 but told her at 17 ??? WHAT ??? It doesn't make any sense--- 😭. They give her the necklace with the pearl to turn into a magical girl and make her into a mermaid with the contact of water.

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