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( Image from madoka magica scene 0 opening. )

28th October, 2023 :
Hello guys, sorry to keep you waiting, it's been a long time! I really wish I could have updated this earlier, but I forgot you needed to downoald the app and struggled to try and update my mg journey on the website- And there's also lazyness...And the fact that my concept is almost completly different now- I lterally removed almost everything, from half of the teammates, to Alicia ( Sorry girlie ), which means Nightme is naturally gone too-

Ack, even the uhh Ultimate princess thingy is also gone? ( I forgot if it's actually called like that- ) to the draft to uh literally alot of stuff.

I added some stuff tho-
Like real-time transformations- ( basically transformations but innstead of the usual colorful dimension it's a real-time transformation, mostly while doing strong actions, like Mami dancing in the beginning of her transformation and Yuuna transforming while fighting off the monster. I forgot how it's called considering I just started the series- )

I've also grow up mentally. Quite a lot, actually. And to come this far, I just wanted to say...Thank you! Thank you for those who supported me even tho I was dead half of the time! Thank you so much!♡ My gratitude cannot be exprimed by mere words right now...I just feel really happy! To know that some people cared and believed enough to read through! Even though some chapters were super duper long! And I had a lack of results, almost all the time! I honestly think the magical girls community on wattpad is kind of dead right now anyway...which is ironic because it's the opposite on discord! And youtube I think?XD

Althought this might seem like a farewell, this is not. My journey is, fortunately, not over! Why fortunately and not unfortunately? Because I changed my concept, duh! I'm pretty sure the reason why I didn't become a magical girl in the first place is because I didn't script the actual concept I was destined to script. Atleast, that's how I describe it. By the way, I love all you readers ! Hehe! ( I'm having an energy rush at 3am- )

I'm planning on making a new journal since this one is old story I was also planning on suppriming this one, actually. But now that I think about it, I just can't. It would be just straight up mean and offensive for people who took their precious time reading this huge draft of a journey! +, it's memories!

Now that I've flourished, I will become the best magical girl I can become! I promise!♡ ( Yes, I'm already a tinking like one! That's the trick to make it work fast, hehe! )

Until then lovelies, take care of yourselves! And goodbye!

Until then lovelies, take care of yourselves! And goodbye!

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