Results I had

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Hello ! So here are the results I had !

1 - High pain tolerance

So basically when I get hurt a bit I would cry today Around 40 mins ago I was walking home and I tripped and My lips started to bleed and my leg too and I didn't even cried- But the worse thing is that my parents doens't even do anything about it I-

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So basically when I get hurt a bit I would cry today Around 40 mins ago I was walking home and I tripped and My lips started to bleed and my leg too and I didn't even cried- But the worse thing is that my parents doens't even do anything about it I-

2 - Angels number

I saw angel number as :

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I saw angel number as :

What does 111 mean spiritually? 111 is a spiritual number that has been shown to be significant in psychic readings, tarot cards, and even in the Bible. It is thought to symbolize new beginnings or a new cycle. The angel number 111 is also a sign of "angelic guidance" and the need for healing.

The angel number 1212 can serve as a sign that you're about to be blessed with abundance in your life. This could refer to a career advancement, solidification of family bonds, an improvement in your health, spiritual growth, the emergence of new and meaningful relationships, or any number of positive developments.

Seeing the number 1818 at these times is a sign from the angels that your fight is nearing an end. Your life will undergo a dramatic shift when angel number 1818 appears in your horoscope. You'll get a dosage of god's love and energy that will assist you to keep moving forward with this number.

Angel number 2020 energizes you to take action right away. In other words, don't put off making a positive change in your life any longer. Everything is achievable if you use your abilities and trust your senses. Your inner beast is more powerful than you realize - all you have to do now is find a method to let it out.

( Its in order and I saw more of them its just what I remember so maybe the post important ones. )

3 - Closer friendship with first teamates

I got Closer with my friends for some reason and its great ! Also I swear Chachi have Kyoko personality 💀

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I got Closer with my friends for some reason and its great ! Also I swear Chachi have Kyoko personality 💀

4 - feeling my puella gem

Bruh I tried something a night, I tried to pretend that my puella gem was in my hand, I wanted to feel a warm feeling like my puella gem? The problem is that, it worked

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Bruh I tried something a night, I tried to pretend that my puella gem was in my hand, I wanted to feel a warm feeling like my puella gem? The problem is that, it worked. But unstead of a warm and reassuring feeling it was a hot feeling that made me feel like my hand was burning 💀 Maybe because my power will be related to fire and light ? Or, I think I have a better idea and that would explain everything.

Basically, puella gems are the source of your magic, your transformations, fast healing, etc...

More your magic is strong, the warmer the puella gem is, so maybe since my hand felt extremely hot, my magic may be very strong. It literally hurted my hand, even to it wasn't there.

( Gosh my leg hurt so much- )

5 - Having more faith in me

I feel more confident but at the same time less confident ? I don't know why, I think that weird

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I feel more confident but at the same time less confident ? I don't know why, I think that weird. I feel like I'm puting a strong me image of myself and this is so weird. Each time I'm thinking about being more confident I feel less confident 💀 Except that one of the things that make me very confident is Iroha Tamaki from Magia record, because when I'm sad, I think about her, and I don't feel sad anymore, Iroha friend died in despair, she saw her turning into a witch and killed her, she knew the truth about puella magi and her sister sacrified herself for her and got forgotten by everyone, her sister soul was also aspired in a baby kyubey body I guess 😓 Iroha saw the city being destroyed and her friends struggling, she heard the worses backstories and didn't fulfished her promise for the sakura tree, and then after making an explosion and destroying Alina gray doppel, all she said was "I'm glad I became a magical girl" Because she didn't care about all of this, the most important thing for her was that she fullfished her wish and cured her sister ( Ui ) disease.

I literelly just wanna be like her and Madoka 😭

To be honest, thinking about the suffering and pain of madoka magica give me courage to become a magical girl.

And this is all ! I hope you enjoyed this ! It was just a small chapter I guess but well, Goodbye !

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