Changing my teamates ( IMPORTANT )

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Yes I'll change my teamates I won't explain things in detail because its a long story but basically I'm alway the one that need to speak first or they'll ignore me for the rest of the day. Before we used to talk and hangout a lot now they barely speak to me, I don'tcare about chachi and Joy and also Alex still talk to me but Jennie is not like ignoring me but I alway need to talk to her first to start a conversation that only last like 5 seconds like bruh, plus rach time LIKE EACH TIME when I wanna talk to her because its break time there is alway 2 girls with her so I can't never have soetime with her and when there is group projects in class they alway call her before me and I feel like she abandonned me, I'm very happy that they don't eat at school because then jennie hangout more with me but its still sad because she doens't really hangout withe anymore 😭 She have like, 10000000000 friends while she just came last year 😭. Plus the most anying thing is that chachi and heralway argue and its getting instoppable like shut your mouths for once I- Its annoying me soo much and chachi doens't realli appreciate joy for some reason. So My teamates are now going to be my elementary school friends, knowing that they are not in the same school as me and next year I'll change school I'm manifesting to either change school faster with them or ndxt year I'll go to another school and I'm maniferting things in my desired school and they'll come with me and I don't know if that exist but a school that do middle and highschool that would be super 😭 so we don't change schools again ( also manifestingthat no ones will change school and that we will still fight togheter in university and in the far future. ) so yeah I'll post chapters for my teamates ( SO EXCITED FOR MY BFF ) And yeah it makes me sad when I think that my friends won't be myteamates anymore and will never know about magical girls but I'm more happy with my true friends, not saying that the others are fake friends they are not, Alex is super but I prefer staying with my others friends to be honest and chachi stopped oir friendship over stupid reasons so many times even to now we're friends, jennie kinda forgot about me and I barely see Joy, so I'm ready for my future school I don't like my current school its so bad, like the school is kinda good I must say with good eduction, BUT THE STUDENTS THERE ARE JUST LKE NOPE. My elementary school friends thinks the same thing for their school and the food there is disgusting

Thank you for reading this 💀

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