Themes songs updated 🎶

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Hello there ! I know I was gone but bow I am here ! And I just wanna precise that I am changing some themes songs ( some are the same but with the lyrics ! ) Sooooo, what about I show you ???

1 - Jennie - "Mirai" ( english cover ) 

Because yeah, before she moved to my country she was lonely, now she like, popular- lol. But this song represent her loneliness, because yeah, when she feel lonely she just pretend to have courage. Even if she don't achieve her dream she will alway be happy that someone else reached for that destiny ! And she alway see the life on a good side, because she will alway believe in hope and light ! Her despair theme would most likely be the "Salvation master", trying to save  everyone in a VERY BAD way. As a magical girl I see her as the optimist magical girl that alway believe that anything is possible and that alway want to protect others no matter what ! Even when she is scared she doens't show it because she put others before herself.

2 - Chachi - decretum ( english version )

I choosed this because I know that she just hate when stories end badly. Like we are both in the theater cub and she was one of the protagonists that die in the end so she was kinda upset about it because she Alway want protagonists to win. She also alway want to be strong enough for anything ! And even if she know that it can end bad She never listen and do it anyway. So as a magical girl I'll see her as the person that alway want to fight until the very end, until its over. And she'll never stop and assume that there are things that she can't do on her own.

3 - Alex - Senko

I like this idea of her being destined to destroy chaos. Her biggest purpose as a magical girl is to destroy chaos and destruction itself. ( just like ailor moon did. ). I kinda like the monster in the image, it will be the final nightmare of ARC 2, a moth. She has the theme of a butterfly, she represent butterflies, she is like butterflies, she is alway free and like a butterfly ! So, she will fight a moth.

Its like, you are fighting the evil side of you. Its the same thing for her ! She will fight a giant moth because moths are like the opposite side of butterflies, so she'll fight the opposite side of her. It will be like the monster in the image above ( the song ) and become like her ( basically her bad self. ) And Alex will say that "her" is basically her. And that this monster is still a part of herself, she doens't care if its bad or not. She will alway love herself and still like the bad self of her, because "her" is a part of herself. And she accept who she is.

Btw the moth is her nightmare.

4 -  Mara ( My bff ❤ ) and her little sister !

It will fit them well ! Just all the lyrics fit them ! And also, My bff little sis really wanna be a princess so... All the princessy lyrics are for her and all the courage lyrics are for my bff ! Since they are sisters I wanted them to have the same theme because they are similar ! Except my bff is really kind and her sister can be rude at times and is often a brat for no reason at all I- But she is a nice person please don't be like some persons that think that she is mean....She is really nice !

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