Chapter 69: I'm Looking For A Storm

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Elina and I haven't spoken on the subject any more since that night. I've never been good with dealing with feelings, and ignoring them has always worked for me in the past. However, I do want to understand the situation better in the future. If nothing else because I cannot believe that Romy really wants her sister to feel like this. Clearly, it's been eating Elina up inside for years, and I have to think that if Romy didn't have Mark and myself, it'd be destroying her too. Now that I think about soon as Mark left, Romy changed completely. Perhaps her mental foundation isn't as firm as I thought. I need to know more...there's no way Romy, whose always been so kind-hearted to me, a kid who isn't even biologically related to her, is okay with her sister hating her.

After six months, I haven't made any progress on Elina and Romy's situation, but I have made a great deal of progress on the final trial coming at the end of the year. My daily routine begins with Elina warming up with me now. Afterwards, she brings me to the secret waterfall, deep outside the Rainstopper Headquarters. There, I conduct my own training which I don't allow even Elina to watch. Of course, if she does decide to break her word, there's nothing I can do to stop her. It's strange. Despite her terrible scars, and poorly healed body, I get a similar feeling emanating from her as when Romy begins to get angry. I distinctly remember on of the female elders, the brunette one with billowy wild hair, Seane, calling Elina a cripple. The way she did it was disdainful, as if Elina was only capable of relying on Romy's influence. And the Healer herself moves with such care, as if afraid her body will fall apart.

And yet...

It happened while we were sparring. I used one of the things I've been working on. No one in the Rainstopper Sect knows that I can use silent magic yet, on account of the great lengths I took to hide it during the first two Trials. However, yesterday, I decided to start using it in my fights with her, truly use it, not just mouth the words to cover my lack of chanting, and I think it surprised her. It seemed like she was going to get hit. However...then she just...bent like water. More fluid than a dancer, in a way that I've only seen Romy move before. For a second, I almost saw Romy's face when her possum mask turned my way. And then it was over and I got tapped on my chin by Elina's dagger. Maybe it means nothing. Afterwards, she started being careful again. But for just that one second...

Shaking my head, I continue theory-crafting in my head while listening to the gushing sound of the waterfall pounding down from above. After six months of daily work, the noise has become oddly comforting, and I sigh, wondering how everyone I've been away from is doing. However after a moment, I duck my head into the bubbly cold water curtain and wash away the distractions. Time is tight. I can worry about other things later. Now...the storm...if I can just think about the storm...




[Frozen Wind of My Soul, Come Forth-

As I'm about to test the concept I've been working on again, I suddenly shiver. Immediately, I reach into the future, sensing just a sliver of something wrong. Glancing around, the forest remains peacefully quiet, but the calming noises recede as my pounding heart overrides everything. I can sense it. Something or someone else is here.

I'm not entirely sure how I know, perhaps just the teensiest bit of sound which doesn't belong to the waterfall has alerted me, or maybe there was some motion, or even a burst of killing intent. However, I can feel that I'm not alone. However, though I pull as much as the future as I can, I'm unable to figure out who or what is watching me. After several moments, when nothing happens, I can only sigh. They're gone...but they'll be back.

It's a little worrying. Elina keeps an eye on my general location for my safety, but she has other obligations and isn't always watching. At first, I assumed that I was just nervous, however, after consulting with her, I'm sure of it. All the times I've felt strange have lined up with one of her absences. I discussed this with Elina, and she's promised to keep an even closer watch so the frequency of the incidents has drastically decreased. However, I'm definitely not always alone here.

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