Chapter 105: Can't Or Won't?

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"H-Hurk! Here!" I hear another splash. And a welcome voice. Light appears, not too far away. Three pairs of sodden heads bob up from the waves. "Damnit, these kids are heavy!" She curses. "I can't carry them, come to me!"

"Okay!" I yell out. Besides me, Sila chokes out a mouthful of the tainted water. She's clinging to my body like a raccoon baby hanging onto its mother. However, when she realizes that I need to swim, she lets go and begins doggy-paddling. Smart girl. "Thanks, Sila."

"D-Don't worry about me!" she yelps and then starts to head for the light. "I'm a good swimmer!" Hands free, I finally stow Mephis's dagger and break into a hasty breaststroke. The water is calming down, but I still almost have a heart attack when a tall wave pulls Sila under. Luckily, her head reappears a second later, fuzzy ears flicking water droplets away. I guess you are pretty good!

"Meera, we're coming to you!" I call out. The assassin spots me, and turns her sunstone towards us. My feet kick into something, and I realize a second later it's a floating head. Jesus! I push it aside and keep paddling towards the light. "Are you okay?!"

"Yea," Meera pants. The two Demi's next to her have their eyes closed. "These furballs got knocked unconscious though. Can you help me? I'm getting tired. Unlike yours...they can't swim."

"I'll take one," Reaching over, I grab the smaller one, Jinta. "Better?"

"Thanks, Boss." Meera grunts and wraps her arm around the back of the bigger boy's neck like a lifeguard. "This is easier. Alright, let's get out of here...what the...B-Boss!"



Her panicked face shoots underwater.

What's happening?!

At the last second, Meera has the wherewithal to let go of the Demi-boy before she's dragged down. He bobs towards me and I snatch him. However, now I have two unconscious kids in my hands. Frantically, I want to ditch them so I can dive after Meera, but there's no one to take them. Something's got her! Damnit, these kids can't swim on their own! Looking around for help, all I find is Sila, whose wide, scared eyes and tiny frame have no chance of holding another person's weight. I don't have time for this! Bloody useless kids-!

[Frozen Water of My Soul, Come Forth-Chill]


[Frozen Water of My Soul, Come Forth-Chill]


[Frozen Water of My Soul, Come Forth-Chill]

Hurriedly, I mentally chant several Chills, freezing the same patch of water over and over. A roughly rectangular block of ice forms and pops up to the surface. It gets bigger and bigger until it's about the size of a makeshift raft. Carefully, I thicken the edges so that it won't tip over. And then haul one of the boys on top. It's not easy, my body isn't accustomed to water. Come on! Faster...! Kicking furiously, I breathe heavily and then let out a little roar, tossing the other kid on top with sheer frustration. Finally free, I turn around-

"Alright, Sila, get on...oh, nice," I realize that the enterprising little girl has already started to clamber on the other side of the ice raft. She gives me an exhausted thumbs up when she's aboard. That's all I need. "Stay here!"

I take a huge breath and dive down into the green murk-


My eyes open below the surface. They sting until I condense Qi to shield them from whatever preservative is in this disgusting water. I blink. Things come into focus. Barely. It's impossible to see much of anything down here. There are guide-bones glowing on the edges of the chamber, but they're too far away to illuminate much. Come on, Meera...give me a sign...anything...where are you? I kick downwards, going deeper. It's like sinking into molasses. The further down I go, the darker and murkier it gets. I can't believe how much water there is. Where did this all come from?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2022 ⏰

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