Chapter 13

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Caroline hugged her friend tightly. She didn't expect to be invited to visit her ever again or at least for a few years but she immediately agreed when she was asked to support her for this Thanksgiving. She heard all about Stefan on the news and her first instinct was to call her but she honestly wasn't sure if she would make things worse. Not by what she would say but just by being who she is. Bonnie sees her as the horrible best friend who was sleeping with her boyfriend and having that person call and try to comfort you during an already stressful, sad, and possibly confusing time, she couldn't be sure if she could provide any comfort.

After hearing her friend vent to her about her fiancé's weird attraction to Elena, she knew that she had to be there and even if it wasn't for that she would've shown either way.

"How are you feeling?"

"I don't know, Caroline. It's like we get into this groove then all of a sudden he brings up Elena and it frustrates the hell out of me. If I didn't know any better I would think she and Franklin were in cahoots."

Caroline chuckled.

"What if I can't make him fall in love with me again? I wasn't even trying the first time so now that I'm actually trying I feel like I'm pushing him away. Maybe I should stop."

"Stop fighting for your fiancé? Bonnie, you can't do that,"

"I just don't know what else to do,"

She frowned. "We'll get through this. Just don't give up."

Bonnie nodded and together they left the airport.


Caroline forced a smile shaking his hand. She knew her friend still loved him with her heart so she wouldn't act cold towards him, not wanting to push him away. It was strange, when she met Stefan for the first time she doesn't think they even made contact at all nor does she think she ever really looked at him as she was now and it was as if she was the one with amnesia and meeting Stefan for the first time. It made her shiver a little on the inside.

"How's your head?"

"Healed, thanks,"

She let out a breath letting go of his hand. "I don't really know what else to say to you."


"Good," she turned to face Bonnie who was holding back a laugh. "I guess I'll be off to my hotel, I'll get a ride there and you guys can pick me up?"

"Yeah, sounds good."

"Does she not like me?" He asked once she was out the door.

"Honestly, I don't know. When you both first met I don't even think you two talked but I kind of blame that on us not seeing each other for a while." She smiled. "You were a little jealous since I would spend more time with her than you."

He chuckled. "I see,"

"So what are you wearing tonight?"

"I don't know, Elena says I look good in blue so maybe a blue shirt, dark pants."

"You talked to Elena?"

"Well while you were out she called and somehow we talked about clothes." He chuckled. "I guess that's normal?"


He frowned. "You're upset again,"

"No, I'm not, I'm glad you have her to talk to."

"Why does me bringing her up make you upset all the time?"

She sighed. "Because Elena isn't- there are things that you obviously don't remember about her and if you did then you would understand."

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