Chapter 11

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Bonnie frowned at the look on his face as she felt his forehead. All the signs pointing to the flu. "How do you feel?"

"Not good."

"Not good? Aw, my baby," she kisses his lips twice. "I'll take care of you, okay?" He nodded. "I'll go make you some soup,"

"Thank you, babe,"

"You're welcome, lay down, I'll be back, okay?"

"Okay," he shifted his body to lay on his side.

Bonnie looked in the cabinets and sighed at how there wasn't a single chicken noodle soup in sight. Or any soup for that matter. At her house, there's always some form of soup and now she's thinking that maybe she should do a little shopping and get some more canned goods. She walked back into their room and headed toward the closet. "You don't have any soups, so I'm going to run to the store and—"

"No, don't go, don't leave me,"

She turned to him. "I'll be really quick, I promise,"

"Please stay with me, please."

"Okay. I'll just give you some medicine and have the soup delivered."


She smiled and walked into their bathroom and was relieved to find appropriate medicine or else she would have to sneak out somehow without him noticing. She went to grab a spoon before requesting him to sit up and gave him two tablespoons of the red liquid. "Cuddle me please?"

She smiled. "Okay, babe,"

She laid behind him and moved her right leg around him and used her right hand to gently stroke his hair back and away from his face. She smiled as his arm reached to stroke her thigh.

"You're making me horny."

She laughed.

"Can we please fuck?"

"You're serious?"

"Yes. He's hard."

She bit her bottom lip. "Is he?"

"He needs to be taken care of by nurse vagina."

She chuckled then moved to slip off her underwear for she was only dressed in a shirt of his. She slips under the covers and pulls down his sweatpants to his ankles. His eyes close and he exhaled feeling her heat and moved his hands to grab her ass as her hips started rocking into him. He moaned and started to sweat so he removed his shirt before placing his hands right back where they were. He moaned again as her lips started kissing his neck and grabbed her hair. "I'm about to come," her hips rose and fell until his load was done. "Fuck." He breathed deeply.

"Does this mean if we made a baby, they'll be sneezing out the womb?"

He laughed. "I can't wait to make a baby with you. Many babies,"

She smiled then looked up hearing him snore. She chuckled then moved off his lap then walked into the bathroom.


Bonnie pushed her cart down the aisle and smiled looking at all the soups. This was her first time grocery shopping in quite some time since Stefan usually took care of this type of labor. She didn't mind it, they had a nice system going, he does the shopping, she does the cooking but it was nice to switch it up.

Stefan was knocked out after their minutes of passion so she figured that she take advantage of that and rush to the store. She stilled hearing her phone ringing and hoping it wasn't Stefan, she reached for it and exhaled in relief that it was her mom. "Hey,"

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