Woeat stody ina wattpsd

174 12 2

(Vs is Victoria secret btw)

Ok so I went to target to buy a swimsuit and none of them fit! I tucked my butt wings into my rolls of fat so I could at least get one to fit. I got an XXXXXXXXXXL Top and a XXXXXXXXXXS bottoms because I want to look slimmed down. So the top has don't of dogs on them because that's what I ate for breakfast and the bottoms are green to match my skin color.

My transformation to a beautiful goddess of complete! I was already one but I look even more WELVOMR TO CHILIES pretty than I already naturally am and such.

I'm ready for my pool party! It's a birthday party and everyone's invited! I'm so popular!

I have all my blenders ready in case someone gets me a bad gift so I have to sacrifice them.

But I only invited the rich people cause if they can afford a million dollar house, they can buy me a million dollar gift. I only friend people that have some benefit to me :/)

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