Worst story on wAttpad

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Shoutout to Evan for being the person i had to scare into getting this app! :)

I learned that i dont have to take the bus to broccoli school anymore, i can just use my butt wings. school is exactly 62,784 miles away though so when i get there im almost alive.

math is history and history is food.

My hair clip fell down the portal to hell in the entrance to school and now my beehive hair do is all messed up. what shall i do now? i dont know. i feel so mad about it so i go to my best friend- who also has the same hair and the one who shut my legs in my locker and broke them off. Artichokes. I mess up her hair by putting my pet cat i keep in my rolls of fat on her hair. She keeps walking like nothing ever happened at all. jokes on her. My teacher doesnt like me Because all i do is mess with the projector on the ceiling. she gives me a detention all i do i stuff it in the projector light and fly off. my locker is on the ceiling so i just have to open it and all my stuff falls out.

When i get home my loving parents greet me by slapping a piece of table on me.

"I love you." my brother says. i just walk past him right after ripping his dick off. he just walks out of the room and watched tv.

"Hey! i was gonna watch that!" i yell.

"Wateva h8r gurl. i gotz 2 much swag fo u." he says. i roll my eyes and rip the tv off the wall. Mmm

"Goodbye television, i wont miss you." i say as my brother cries.

"Y u do dis 2 muy! i <3 u gurl bro! I h8 u infinitely. yolo." He cries.

I give no pity.

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