Wordt story on wattpad

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I fly to school with my butt wings and hope that i dont meet any too friendly birds on the way. Atleast im not at home where my mom tells me to get off my lazy ass wings. she totally doesnt know the struggles of having wings. PE is one of my easiest classes. i dont even have to be active at all! we go outside and play 'break all the windows in the school' which is my favorite game. i fly to my math class and break open the window with a leaf.
"No more math!" i yell.
"Heyyy! this shit cray!" my teacher yells after me while the class whines about not being abel to learn math. next is history. i break that window open with a ladybug. the whole class freaks out about a bug in the room.

Im too tierd to fly home so i take a quadricorn home. when i do get home i sing 'my milkshakes bring all the boys to the me yard' with my invisible dog. But the sad thing is, she ran away three and 8/4 years ago though. tho tho tho. my moms cooking dinner.
"Whats for dinner?" i ask.
"I made stir fried plate." she says. and she wasnt kidding. i look down at my bowl and i see a plate that is broken up and fried with spoon, napkin, and cup. ok i'll just put your breakfast in a blender tommorrow

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