Worst story on wattpad

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So first off i want to say happy holidays! Here is your gift from me! an update! so i will be updating more because of the break were on. i haven't been updating due to sickness, being busy and my science life... hey! my science life has been getting an improvement lately! *lets out a deep breath* alright fine here is your update, i shall not bore you will my life anymore.


Looks like my family is moving today! to a city called Okay. its in Oklahoma. Okay, Ok. my kind of place. when i arrive i shall call my friends from the wild and go steal food from a store. My mom lets me use my butt wings to fly by the car. i hear people complaining about bird poop. thats not bird poop. after swallowing a pack of gum its time to eat. i like to crawl on the walls of the restaurant and spit in peoples food as it passes by me. Once they are done eating i ride under the car. and i like to scare the people driving so much that they loose control and fall over of a bridge into sulfuric acid with acid sharks and then sink into the center of the earth. to their death of course.

My favorite part of the day is coming. The part where everybody goes to sleep and i can look on their phones and shit. first i start with my mom. i open her texts and find out that im getting beats for christmas. thats interesting. i look on my sisters phone. it has a code. what i do is very simple. I simply just break her phone in half and throw it down the garbage disposal. its time for me to take a shower now. i like to shower in the souls of people i hate. but everybodys different when it comes to that stuff. After i shower i lay down a bunch of broken glass and then some knifes next to my parents and sisters bed to they will have a nice surprise to wake to. time for me to go to bed ive had a long hard day.


So one of my friends who are reading this will realize that they are getting beats for christmas. merry Christmas to you and to all a good night.

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