WOrst story on wattpad

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After my Shrek mishap and Doge smoking weed i go to another galaxy and kill more aliens to bring back their legs. each one has like 739475 legs so after multiplying that by 925479 i get 1 leg. After going back to earth im forced to go back to school. we have school for 387 days a year 8 daddy's a week. theres a teacher named Mrs.Emily and i hate her. theres a broccoli club that hates her. stone. and we set her class room on fire after we put her in a blender and made a strawberry smoothie. then we replaced the walls with blenders then set the universe on Shrek. After we all die and return to earth my family, that is still alive i think, go on a family trip to the mountains. funfun. I reach the top of the mountain and sit on it. i tear in half. help.

No time for help when you have cooties.

Im To dumb for NY and to ugly for LA. -said everyone ever.

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