Worst istoey on wattapd

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Ok y'all so I'm back again! You know, for my once a year app redownload. But anyway I opened it up again and had 500 notifications and trust me I spend 30 minutes reading all the comments y'all left and I replied to a few awesome ones.

But here's a little about me cause y'all are getting things wrong

I'm almost 18
I'm not a guy
I'm not crazy I swear

How bout that y'all :) but I'll be sharing a little story with y'all

Soooo back when I lived in Alabama I had a dog named phoebe and I was like 3 so she's like twice my size. So I was letting her in the house and I shut the door too soon and chopped her tail in half. She was panicked and went and picked up her tail in her mouth but accidentally swallowed it. And my mom is calling my dad to come home from work to help the dog and when my dad gets home she gets all rowdy like dogs do when seeing someone. So she's wagging her tail around splattering blood across each wall up the stairs.

Well karma got its kiss for me cause later phoebe bit my eye and I still have a scar on my eyebrow to this day cause I didn't get stitches :)

There's just some fun info to tide y'all over until many months later cause I like to keep people on their toes

Anyway love y'all

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2018 ⏰

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