Wrodt stsiry on wattpsd

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(I say as I bite my nails) (just sayin i'm mad cause our district is the one that waits till the last moment to cancel school. everyone else cancels the night before and mine cancels an hour before school starts like ....wyd)

In the background I can hear children scream but I can't tell who. i'm too focused on the fact that school isn't canceled even though it's gonna be -3 and a wind chill of -25 F. I think that the riots are coming too fast for me to escape so I become one with the riots. we all tweet and yell profanities as we reach the district building. the workers inside are looking very frantic as they see us arrive with our bright torches and sharp pitch forks.

They try to lock the doors but they're not a match for us. we run and open the doors and some even breaking windows to enter. angry people are throwing glass at the teachers cursing and yelling. the teachers start running down the street to the police station. we run faster since we're half their age.

Some Rioters from other countries scream profanities in a foreign language. news vans drive up and park next to us carrying large cameras. news reports are dressed nice even for the cold weather, start speaking into the camera.

These people are getting very angry now. I don't know how much longer they can be patient for the cancellation.

"Ok!" A district official yells. "schools out but just for today!"

The crowd goes wild throwing hats in the air and giving hugs. No one is angry anymore.

And to all a goodnight

(Just sayin they still haven't canceled school yet)

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