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Ik that last update was short so heres more to satisfy your need for need for balls of story.


After having a Shrek marathon and go Shibe shopping i take out the frozen Emily-strawberry-smoothy and serve it to my pet poisonous dog/snake/ugly. she loved it and eats my whole family and universe in on gulp. I laugh because i raised my dog/ snake/ ugly the right way.

"Eat over your plate" my mom said. so i got my birth certificate and us that as a plate instead. i hope that makes her happy Becuase nothing says happy like popping everyones veins to get what you want. Thats what all the normal people do right? yes. im so normal just ask my butt wings and need to cut off peoples legs.

oh christmas tree.

oh christmas tree.

All hail Shrek our leader.

-what if Shrek was a Nazi?- idk.

Yeah i would like to be one of the layers on Shreks favorite onion.

Peel me.


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