Wsow: how to

546 22 3

Is your cat is going to kill you???

1. If your cat is a cat, it will kill you.

2. It is literally a mini tiger, its crazy.

3. Sure cars may save people or act nice but thats only so that when you die they will be there to eat you. Every last bit of you.

4. They have sharp teeth and claws just designed to harm humans.

5. They meow to imitate human babies.

Is your cat possessed???

1. Of course, its possessed by its own evil personality.

Reasons not to get a cat.

1. They ruin puzzles.

2. They eat kids.

3. The scratch you until you bleed.

4. They tear up couches.

5. They eat blenders.

Ok so over all: ask this.

Is your cat a cat?

If you said yes then it is going to kill you.

If you said no then you are a good person.

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