Wosat stoey on wattaos

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(Just this old video incase you haven't seen it, it's amaze)
(btw this is me when I was little, my parents stretched me so I would get taller. this picture was taken last year)

My sister is graduating high school!!! That's so cool! Too bad i'm gonna ruin it!

She's all ready and they line up to get ready to go on stage.

I grab my giant box of Mice and fly Above the stage and drop the box but not the mice. someone screams so that's my cue to drop the mice. there's enough mice to go after every student.

The mice all turn into giant mice people and start chasing the students. theres a king mouse that can fly and spit sun rays. he spits sun rays everywhere and gives everyone extreme sun burns and the robes all burn and so does their eyebrows. I collect the robes like Boy Scout patches and Pokemon.

Your souls are mine.

Worst story on wattpadTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon