Wsow: howto

392 20 1


Step one: look for the perfect dress (even if you are a guy)

Step two: find the perfect shoes to match

Step three: find a date

Step four: after looking and failing; cry.

Step five: after crying for 38034 days go to homecoming looking like you did every drug on earth.

Step six: get wasted at homecoming.

Step seven: buy everyone a christmas present.


Ok so my freshman homecoming is September 20th and the theme is 1920's so i get to dress up as a flapper. so basically a 1920's stripper...

Kidding! i'm not dressing up 1920's like i got a goldish dress so yay.

Later i will post a picture of it!


Worst story on wattpadTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang