Wirst storu on wattpaf

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It has been years since I have last had an eventful event in my shortish long life. I am now -59 years old and my rolls of fat are becoming more angry

They're consuming matter as it comes in contact with it

I will put my whole 30852 pound body in a super blender to rid of my pain

The pain is eternal

It will last even if i'm dead

It will apass to everyone I know like a pandemic

That's what I am

A virus.

This is all too much and a huge burden for my family

My brother lost his dick in a blender once, it's destiny

I enter the blender as I shed my last tear and throw food from my rolls if fat out from me. I jump in and end my pain.

Then I appear next to the blender as a skeleton! I joined the skeleton army!


Ok so it's about time I post an update instead of just replying to comments...

I'm not suicidal even though I hate my life and everything I do:))

Also reply to this saying what you want to study in college! I'm applying and stuff so I can study astrophysics.

Ok yes I may sound like an idiot when I write but that's why i'm going into this extreme of a science/math cause I'm not good at all with English yikes yall

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