Plan M.

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Harley came back the next morning and found a beaming Copycat.

"You're not hurt?"

"Just a little bruised," She replied. "There's been a change of plans..."

Kurt was waiting for them upside down on the couch. 

"Holy shit! What's that?" Harley backtracked.

"Humans have no manners..." The mutant sighed.

"You're hurting his feelings," Cat said gravely. "This is Kurt. He'll help."

"He came here to kill you! You really think he's changed his mind?"


Harley turned her around, he talked in a whisper. 

"You can't trust him."

Cat shrugged. "We made a deal."

"A deal's not enough!" He responded. "You've done all this to keep yourself safe!"

"You see that thing 'round his neck? That's a neutralizer. He can't use his powers unless I take it off. I won't take it off. Yet."

Harley stared at Kurt hesitantly, the mutant rolled over and sat up.

"Hey," He spoke. "Who are you?"

"Harley's my friend," Cat kept her eyes on the human boy. 

"You're friends with a farmer?"

"I'm not a farmer," Harley scowled. "I'm a hostage. You want me to believe you're a friend now?"

"I'm persuasive," She intervened.

Harley glanced at her before speaking to Kurt a second time. "What was it? The puppy eyes?"

Kurt made a face. "Those muddy things? They're way cooler when they're purple."

"Hey!" She frowned. "I can make them purple?"

"You used to have fangs too, and claws. It's a pity you have none of that now, I always thought they were cool."

"The eyes are still nice..." Harley muttered.

Copycat was staring at her hands and running her tongue over the edge of her teeth. For half of her life, she'd tried to look like everyone else, and now she was longing for details that would've made her different.

"Maybe there's a way to grow my fangs back," she thought out loud, "I'll ask the doctor before I send him away."

Kurt's ears perked up. "Send him away?"

"To the Raft."

"Oh, Mimi..."


"Whatever," He talked as if she were a toddler. "A prison's not gonna stop him."

"Raft's not an ordinary prison."

"Good. He's not an ordinary man," He rolled his eyes, or at least it looked like it. It was hard to tell when he had no pupils. "Those surgeries he got? They weren't for shits and giggles."

"Care to explain?"

Harley rubbed his forehead. "Sure... Why not?" He walked to the exit. "Y'all want food? You stink like strays, by the way— I'm not so sure your suits can hide that. Let's go to my place so you can take a shower..."

She blushed, bending a little to smell her armpit.

"What about your family?"

"They won't be there," He looked at Kurt over his shoulder. "She didn't tie you by the ankles, did she?"

Copycat: Origins (Marvel Fem!OC)Where stories live. Discover now