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They gathered around the platform, Steve gave his encouraging speech, then Pietro stood in front of the console.

"Oh my God," Cat chortled looking at Rocket. "You look adorable!"

"Go to hell."

"Look at your fluffy tail!" She beamed. "Permission to give you a hug, Captain?"

"Don't you fucking dare," He hissed. The raccoon's attention was drawn to Barton. "You promise to bring that back in one piece, right?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," The man brushed the comment aside and put the small spaceship back in his pocket. "Okay, I'll do my best."

"As promises go, that was pretty lame," Rocket pointed out.

"He's a lame guy, can't help it," Cat shrugged.

"I hope curiosity kills you," Barton told her.

"Be nice you two," Nat intervened. "Good luck, everyone, see you in a minute!"

Their helmets closed, and for a moment Copycat was acutely conscious of everyone's heartbeat. The tunnel opened at her feet, and she was dragged inside a confusing rainbow. She followed four of the figures through one of the paths and got thrown into the middle of a battle.

"All right, we all have our assignments," Steve's suit withdrew from his body and hid on his wrist, the same thing happened with the others. "Two stones uptown, one stone down. Stay low, keep an eye on the clock."

A loud crash was heard in front of them, and the group witnessed as the old Hulk slammed a car over a Chitauri's soldier.

"Maybe smash a few things along the way," Steve suggested to Banner.

"I think it's gratuitous, but whatever," The big man huffed.

He walked away from the group and began to break things without much excitement nor half of the passion the Hulk employed in his usual attacks, Copycat raised a hand to get Steve's attention.

"Can I kill aliens while I wait?"

"Sure," Tony responded. "As long as you don't get in the way of our past selves."

"Stay away from Barton," Steve added.

"That was oddly specific," She grumbled. 

"I know you too well to leave it unsaid."

Cat turned to Scott. "Wanna come?"

"What— Can I?" He asked excitedly.

She grinned. "Rocket's right, you're such a puppy."

Scott muttered a complaint and put his helmet on. "Nevermind..."


"Good afternoon, crickets!" She shouted at the Chitauri climbing up the walls. "Who wants to die today?"

Several creatures jumped back to the ground and approached her, she grabbed the spear from her belt.

"This feels like Christmas," She smirked.

Cat moved like a whirlwind, stabbing and punching everything in her path. They were shooting at her but the suit was eating up the energy of each blow, Rocket had modified it after his visit to Wakanda. She pressed the paw on her chest: The blast took out about ten aliens at once, she activated the stealth and her repulsors, flying in the direction of the Stark tower.

"Once you're done playing, kid, feel free to help us out," Tony said through the coms.

"Don't be such a buzzkill," She was nearing the building when several creatures fell limply. Tony from the past had done his big flashy sacrifice and things were coming to an end. "Is it time?"

Copycat: Origins (Marvel Fem!OC)Where stories live. Discover now