Fulfilling The Bucket List.

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Cat knocked on Harley's door and the boy welcomed her with a warm smile. He'd bought a pizza and rented a bunch of movies, most of them were his personal favorites that he insisted she had to watch before leaving.

They talked for hours, getting to know each other far better. He asked about what she'd do in space, but Cat didn't have much to say.

"I'll meet the Skrulls, see if there's something they can teach me..."

"What does Rocket do in space?"

"He's a guardian of the galaxy," She shrugged. "Very vague, I know. Kurt and I will be his crew, and I think Nebula —she's a guardian too— think she'll join us."

"And everyone knows you're leaving?"


"I should give you the thing now, before I forget," He got up and went to his bedroom. "I saw the encrypted files in your laptop when I was using it, you keep track of every hero S.H.I.E.L.D's ever encountered, right? This will be of use..."

Harley came back, handed the small object to her, and sat back down.

"They're organized by the type of abilities they had. Every mutant to ever set foot inside the labs. I also tagged the scientists that looked after each division."

"Harley..." she started, but he wasn't done.

"You can add the Avengers' files to it. If you're going to be a one-woman show, you have to learn to systematize things. I could show you how to do basic computer stuff, but since you're leaving that'd be useless. I doubt aliens use Google."


"Hmm?" He said distractedly.

"I think I like you."

Harley blushed all the way to his neck. 

"Can I kiss you?" She asked.

The boy nodded without saying a word, Cat grabbed his face gently. She'd only kissed one boy in her life, did it only feel good when it was someone you were dating?

Harley closed the distance between them, her eyes widened but she didn't move away. His hand traveled to the back of her neck, he avoided her scar, assuming she wouldn't want him to touch it. The boy's fingers dug lightly, which sent a pleasant shiver down her spine. 

Cat discovered that kissing, in general, was pretty good. She hadn't spent much of her time with Peter this way. They liked to talk, they were always chitchatting about something. That night, however, she wanted more. A door had opened, and she was ready to run through it.

"Would you like to sleep with me?"

Harley moved away stammering a few strange noises, Cat didn't hesitate.

"Physical contact used to irk me, but I don't mind it now, at least when it comes from someone I like. Besides, I trust you."

He moved to the very end of the couch, brows furrowed. "Are you sure you want me to be the one that... are you sure you like me that much?"

She rolled her eyes. "Sex is about trust and attraction. Do you trust me?"

"I— yeah," He retorted. "I risked my life for you, didn't I?"

"Do you like me? You told me you'd answer after the mission but you never did."

"Cause you never asked a second time."


"Yes," Harley responded. "I like you."

"Would you like to have sex with me, then?"

He closed his eyes with a grimace. "This is not how people normally do it..."

"It's okay if you don't—"

"I do!" He grabbed the empty pizza box. "Sure! Let's have sex!"

"Really?" She watched him take the trash to the kitchen, a beaming smile on her face. "Thank you!"

"Don't thank me," He groaned. "Makes me feel weird... Am I taking advantage of you?"

"I'm the one asking you to do this, Junior. Besides, if we like it we can do it again."

Harley stopped midway and pinched the bridge of his nose. "You're so weird..."

"I hear that a lot," She grinned. "I think that's the main reason as to why people like me."

"People like you 'cause you're funny," He stood behind her seat, placing both hands on the backrest. "And attractive."

"I wasn't always attractive," She supported her chin with one hand. "I had fangs the size of pinkies, according to Kurt. When I started school my hair was long and unkempt, it looked like a—"

"That right there," He pointed out, looking down at her with fondness. "That whole thing you do: The rambling, laughing at your own jokes— how are you going to survive in space when you look like this, Stray?"

"It matters little how I look as long as I can fight, don't you think?"

He shook his head. "You better toughen up or you'll get killed."

"You've seen me fight," She moved until she was facing him properly, supporting her weight on both knees. "Have faith."

"I have faith," He glimpsed at her mouth briefly. "But I can't help to think that there are only two ways this can end: You either die, or come back as an entirely different person."

"I don't mind the prospects," She pulled him closer. "I've been looking for a way to leave C.C. behind..."

He cupped her cheek, lips inching closer to hers. "Rest in peace, C.C. I bet she was nice."

The girl took a deep breath and kissed him again. She closed her eyes tightly, pushing Peter's face to a hidden corner of her mind. She would not, by any means, let his person ruin the little peace she'd gotten after such an exhausting year. This moment had to be entirely for her, there was no room for sad remembrances. Cat reached for Harley's face and clung to it as if her life depended on his contact.

There's no need to have sex for us to be happy together.

The young mutant drowned a whine before it could even leave her throat. She shouldn't have thought of it at all but now he was there, and so was his smile, and his voice...

Cat kissed the taller boy again, this time deeper and desperate.

"Sorry..." She got up and dragged him to the bedroom, kicking the door open. "I'm eager."

"That's okay," He replied without paying attention. "This isn't serious, right? If we don't like it we'll still be friends?"

"Totally," Cat took off his shirt, she needed to focus on the actual living person in front of her, it was the only way to kill the painful memories. "I'm not looking for a boyfriend."

"Cool," He drove her to the bed. "I don't want to be one."

Copycat: Origins (Marvel Fem!OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant