Moving On.

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"It's a new day at the Avengers compound!" Pietro pointed the camera at his face. "We have a full house this month! Copy! Can you explain to the watchers what are we doing?"

"Pietro, you know I don't like cameras."

"C'mon, this isn't supposed to be seen by anyone but us!" He pouted. "And maybe the others once they come back... don't be such a bore!"

"Stop," she grinned, trying to snatch the phone away from his grasp.

"Hey you two, we could use some help over here!" Rocket shouted.

"Sorry!" Pietro directed the camera at the raccoon and zoomed on his face. "Can you share a word of wisdom with the viewers?"

"Don't work with humans, they're a pain in the ass."

Cat sat next to the raccoon and watched him work for a moment. Tony entered and raised his voice.

"Ratchet, how's it going?"

"It's Rocket," Her friend replied. "Take it easy. You're only a genius on Earth, pal."

Behind Tony, the God of thunder burped and stared at them with disinterest, Pietro and Cat shared a look.

"You could've taken a shower, man," Cat commented.

"What for? I smell okay," Thor smiled brightly.

"You smell like garbage," Pietro scoffed.

"Kitkat, think fast!" Tony tossed a screw at her. "It's time I teach you how to change a tire. Only it's a multibillion-dollar machine that could save the world and if you mess up everyone will hate you."

"Awesome," Cat stood up. "There's only one problem with that, Tony. I'm not smart for this."

"What are you talking about? You're the smartest girl in the room."

"I'm the only girl in the room."

"Rocket, help me out here," Tony looked at the raccoon.

"You're too dumb to discern one end of the screw from the other," He spoke to her with disinterest. "It'd be easier to teach a dog how to read."

"Dipshit," Cat scowled at him. "Give me that!"

The mutant snatched the tube Tony was holding and stomped over to the massive construction, Tony stared at Rocket with a frown.

"That's how you get her to do things," He snickered.


"Don't mind me guys, I'm just here to pick up—"

Cat stopped in the middle of the room, her pupils dilated.

"Oh great," Clint groaned. "It's you."

"Look who decided to show up!" She crossed her arms. "Heard you got a tattoo— Did they have to stretch your skin so the wrinkles wouldn't get in the way?"

"Heard you got kicked out of space," The man retorted without missing a beat. "Not even the smelly, talking raccoons like sharing a room with you?"

"I'm calling the feds," Cat drew out her phone.

"Hey, now, we're all on the same team," Banner intervened.

"We're joking, big guy, don't worry," Clint said. "It's nice to see you, Heathen."

"Likewise buddy," She replied.

Their voices didn't sound enthusiastic in the least.

"Hey, wait a second," Rhodes gave a start, looking at all of the equipment, "let me ask you something. If we can do this, you know... go back in time, why don't we just find baby Thanos, you know? And..."

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