Copycat's Honorable Discharge.

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The rest of the facilities weren't that hard to blow up. Most of the workers were left alive but she threatened to kill them if they started working in human experimentation again.

At five in the morning, she was giving the full report to Natasha. 

"You had a long night, huh?"

"At least it was productive," She smiled tiredly. "Are you going to take away my suit?"

"You took down this place and its grid in one night," Nat raised a brow. "We should be thanking you."

"I killed someone tonight..." She sighed. "I don't feel heroic."

"Most of us never do," The woman replied knowingly. "Would a hug make it better?"

Kurt approached, he was covered in dust and bloodstains.

"The group has been secured and transported to S.H.I.E.L.D's base."

"As soon as we start to relocate them, I'll let you know," Nat reached out to shake his hand. "Agent Romanoff."

"I know who you are," Kurt glanced at her hand but he didn't grab it. "Nightcrawler."

Nat's eyebrows raised in polite interest. "That's an interesting name."

"Better than Copycat and Blackwidow."

"Shut up and get Harley," Cat scolded him.

Kurt grinned and raised his hands in surrender, leaving without saying a word.

"You have weird friends, kid."

"My quirky self lures them in," She replied sarcastically. "Listen, I left my stuff at Harley's place..."

"You don't have to come back, you know?"

"I do have to." Cat frowned.

"I don't think you understand your situation."

"Enlighten me, then."

"You just shoved into our faces that you don't need protection. Eighteen's not a big number, Cat, but you make it work."

Freedom on a silver platter. She could start a life, away from the memories that haunted her in every corner of New York. She could go to space, or she could talk to Harley and ask if she could stay with him. Tenessee wasn't ideal, but maybe a quiet, uneventful existence was exactly what she needed.

Pietro's face materialized in her thoughts, his demanding voice...

"I'll go back," She decided. "The lab gave me nightmares for years... I think I can move on now."

"Alright," Nat smiled a little. "Is Nightcrawler coming with you?"

Copycat glimpsed at Kurt and Harley, she shrugged.

"I'll let you know."

"See you later, Heathen."

As Cat moved away, Nat called her one last time.

"Tony wants to talk to you. I wouldn't keep him waiting, otherwise he'll show up at your friend's house."

The girl didn't reply, she walked toward the boys with a pensieve expression.

"You look like you're gonna puke," Kurt nudged her arm. "You good?"

"Hmm?" She looked at him. "Yeah, yeah... about that deal we made..."

"You were lying," He nodded with understanding. "It's alright, you helped me set the others free, that's enough."

"I wasn't lying," The girl frowned. "Nat's offering you a place to stay. You can join them if you want, but if you're not interested we can arrange something else with Rocket."

Copycat: Origins (Marvel Fem!OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora