A Ticking.

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Rocket moved past their row and continued as usual. At least that was one good thing about him, he didn't like confrontations and therefore most of their problems were quietly brushed aside without having to talk about it.

Pietro called soon after the mission, she lay on the bed and answered with a smile.


"Heard you got in trouble with Rocket," Pietro said gravely. "You didn't wake up to complete your—"

"Oh, not you too!" She rolled her eyes. "Get off my back, will you?"

"Wish you'd say that to the random girls you take to the ship."

"Rose isn't a random girl."

"I'd say she isn't your best friend either."

"She's not," Cat agreed. "She's fun, though."

"Remember when you got angry at Steve when he said you were like Tony?"

"That's funny, Kurt says I'm like Rocket and he's a whole different thing."

"Is that a beer?"

She looked down at the bottle she was holding.

"Beers don't exist in space."

"Copy does that thing you're holding have any kind of booze?"

"That's specific."

"You're an expert at dodging questions."

"I guess it's beer, but..." She tilted her head, squinting her eyes. "What day is it on earth?"

"We're in January."

"I'm twenty... I think," Cat shrugged. "Either way, in some countries I'm doing this legally."

"You don't remember how old you are?" He frowned.

"Time's different here, I don't see when the sun sets on Earth. Hard to keep count."

"Does that mean you forgot to celebrate your birthday for two years straight?"

"Not my real birthday anyway," She took a large sip of her drink. 

"Oh, man..." Pietro rubbed his forehead.

Her brother had taken it upon himself to be the one to check on her. Nat would ask about her job as a Guardian, but Pietro was always asking about her feelings, and scolding her in a way only he and Happy were allowed to do.

"How are you holding up?" She changed the subject. "How's college?"

"I'm getting through... I'm really good at sketching— wanna see?"


She saw his drawings for half an hour, then Kurt showed up.

"Sorry," His head peaked through the doorframe. "I'm going out. Can I borrow your units?"

Cat frowned. "Where's your card?"

"I lost it when we were fighting that gooey white thing. They were in the pants that thing ate."

"I told you not to put important stuff in your pockets when we're on a mission..."

"We left in a hurry! You forgot to set an alarm, it was the day after we went to have drinks with that guy... What was his name?"

"Forget it," She sighed. "I'll go with you."


"I'll go with you. It's my card, I wanna have fun too."

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