Over A Rocky Foundation.

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The day Cat's world began to fall apart started like any other. She went to work, had lunch with Harley, and texted Pietro a few times during the day. Nat called to ask if she could buy more peanut butter on her way back to the compound and so she did.

The world had never gone back to its lousy afternoons, there was still a considerable amount of people in the city, but the voices were always quiet, afraid of sounding too happy in a place that had lost so much.

Regardless of it, Cat had grown up and she was starting to see the good side of things. She would always do her best to find reasons to smile. She considered herself lucky, her time in the "old world" had been brief, and she had no trouble letting go. She thought of the others, people that'd lived decades with families, friends... it broke her heart just to think about it, so she didn't.

"I'm back!" 

To her surprise, multiple voices answered. She approached the main room and found the Avengers holding a meeting.

"Hi, guys!" She placed the peanut butter on the desk and stood next to Nat's seat. "It's good to see you!"

"You've grown, superstar," Carol said. 

"Five-foot-six and still growing," She said proudly.

"We miss you," Kurt told her, his projection was standing next to Rocket. "You sure you don't wanna come back?"

"I would only get in the way," She dismissed it. "Sorry, Nat. I won't interrupt any longer."

"Stay," The woman replied. "They haven't seen you in months, and I'm sure you're interested in their updates."

Cat hesitated. Truth be told, she wasn't but didn't want to sound like a jerk, so she stayed. Nat grabbed the peanut butter and prepared two sandwiches while Rocket continued his report.

"That highly-suspect warship Danvers pinged? It was an infectious garbage scow. So thanks for the hot tip."

"Well, you were closer," The woman replied unbothered. 

"Yeah, and now we smell like garbage."

"C'mon, Rat, don't pretend that's not how you usually stink."

"Keep your mouth shut, quitter!" He retorted in a pissy mood.

"You get a reading on those tremors?" Nat interrupted, she seemed distracted.

"Twas a mild subduction under the African plate," Okoye replied. 

"Do we have a visual? How are we handling it?"

"Nat," The woman said plainly. "It's an earthquake under the ocean. We handle it, by not handling it."

"Carol," Nat continued, there was something in her eyes that Cat didn't like. "Are we seeing you here next month?"

"Not likely."

"What? You gonna get another haircut?"

"Listen, fur face," She said impatiently. "I'm covering a lot of territory. The things that are happening on Earth are happening everywhere. On thousands of planets."

"All right, all right, that's a good point," The raccoon muttered. "That's a good point..."

"So you might not see me for a long time."

"All right," Nat fixed her posture. "Uh, well, this channel's always active. So if anything goes sideways, anyone's making trouble where they shouldn't, comes through me."

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