Graduation Day.

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At first, it was hard to control her shapeshifting. She didn't like not being in control, but now her eyes were better at adjusting to light and they had slitted pupils, so that was kinda cool. Her hair was still dark brown and impossible to straighten or curl completely, her long claws were always out now, for some reason. Her fangs hadn't come back, just like her memories.

She could alter her appearance without touching anyone, and make individual parts of her body change, like the color of her hair or skin tone, or move between genders if she pleased. The Skrulls taught her to use their tech and weapons, she was good with the spear, but she liked the big, flashy guns. 

Cat had new sets of skills she could use however she wanted, not only that, but she'd been given a new name: Co'kat. Derived from her hero alias, the Skrulls had given it a meaning after baptizing her with it: A new beginning.

Only they were allowed to call her that though, it was sacred, something that connected her to roots far more ancient than her own existence, and no one but her father's family was worthy of knowing it.

During her last morning on the planet, she left her aunt and uncle's place feeling energized and excited. Her cousin ran up to her, handing her a bouquet of strange flowers, Cat hugged her.

"I'm going to miss you," She sighed.

"We'll see each other again if we're lucky," V smiled.

"Where's everyone?"

Her cousin gave her a strange look. "They're waiting for you."


The Prince had come to bid her farewell. Cat felt her knees buckle, she'd only heard stories about him, but now that he was there, she didn't know how to act.

"Co'kat," His voice was smooth, he appeared to be only a few years older than her. "The time has come for us to part ways. You've excelled in your training..."

He beckoned her to get closer.

"You've earned this," The Prince handed her a spear, retractable blades flashing out of each end, and a silver shaft that could fold in itself. "We've given you the tools and knowledge, use them however you see fit."

The sound of an engine distracted her: A spaceship was coming down from the sky. Cat smiled at it, a year ago she'd thought life would never be good, and now there she was, starting over.

Kurt was the first to come down, his hair was longer and continuously falling in front of his eyes.  Now dressed in a much more space-appropriate way, he no longer wore the leather suit. He had a mask similar to Peter Quill's, and she suspected that maybe he'd stolen it from the man's trunk.

Rocket looked exactly the same, with the exception of his clothes. She hung her retractable spear on her belt and ran up to them.

"I missed you!"

"Look at you!" Kurt cupped her face. "Your eyes are purple!"

"Look at these!" She showed her claws.

"Kid's no longer a toddler," Rocket nodded approvingly. "Good. I need a tough crew and now you look the part. I was worried you'd be looking like babies forever— Nightcrawler still has some growing up to do..."

"You're taller, Kurt! I don't think Smurf suits you now..."

Copycat looked at the friends she was leaving behind, this time she didn't feel sad about it, she'd come to terms with the fact that she would never have an official home.

"Thank you for your kindness and generosity," She spoke out loud. "I won't forget you."

"Live well," Soren smiled at her.

Copycat wrapped one arm around Kurt's waist, and he ruffled her hair.

"Thank you for looking after the girl," Rocket told the crowd. "Forever grateful and all— You know where to call if you need help, yadda yadda..."


Kurt showed her the room they'd prepared for her. It used to be Quill's, and though it had a foul smell, overall it was bearable.

"Did you learn to fight properly or do we have to teach you how to shoot?"

"I have perfect aim," She raised a brow. "They taught me well, Rat."

"Good," The creature sat on the pilot's chair and started pressing, switching, and pulling on levels. "Keep in mind that it'll get ugly."

"Give us a look," Kurt placed one hand on her shoulder. "Ugly's our forte."

"You gonna teach me how to fly this thing?" She asked Rocket. 

"Are ya' gonna crash on your first try?"

"That was your fault!" Kurt said in outrage. "He yelled at me to see how I'd react!"

She laughed. "I can't promise I won't crash, but I'll pay for it if it happens?"

"Now we're talking," Rocket chuckled dryly, he patted the chair next to him. "Watch and learn, Skrully."

"Where's Nebula?" She took off Pietro's jacket and placed it on the back of her seat.

"She's at a near station with Danvers, we'll catch up with her later," Kurt said.

"Have you heard from my friends on Earth?"

"Nat calls once a week to ask for updates on what we do," The mutant boy continued. "We didn't have much to say about you, but now that you're back you'll be able to tell her everything yourself."

"What now, missing Earth already?"

"I'm curious, that's all," Cat shrugged. "Still not interested in going back."

"Good, cause you'll be of use here," Rocket pointed at her hands vaguely. "Nice claws by the way, almost as cool as mine."

"I could break your fingers with a harsh slap," She teased.

Rocket cackled, Cat leaned back on her seat with an easy smile. There was something liberating about her current situation: No one was expecting anything big from her. Rocket telling her she'd be of use was more about convenience than who she was.

She wanted to make the grown-ups proud, glad that they'd kept her, but she had to find out what things fitted her from what she'd learned throughout the years, and what to throw out.

Practicality was one of her main attributes, logic and common sense would keep her away from suffering any further. Copycat was now her number one priority, and she would protect herself at all costs.

Copycat: Origins (Marvel Fem!OC)Where stories live. Discover now