Cat vs Devil.

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Cat and Harley grabbed the guns and disarmed them, then quickly put them back together.


"Shit!" Harley dropped his halfway-armed weapon. "How do you do that?"

"Years of training," She winked.

Nat checked the chronometer. "Broke your own record."


Harley rolled his eyes. "Whatever. I'm not even planning to be an agent, why am I here?"

"Cause it's fun!" 

"I should be doing school stuff..."

"How did you manage to get up today, after the beating Cat gave you?" Nat raised a brow. "That's what I'd like to know."

Harley and Cat shared a complicit look. 

"I give really good massages."

"Mmhm," Nat gave her a look. "You remind me of my sister sometimes, you know?"

The girl's brows went up in surprise. "You have a sister?"

"She had a huge heart too, sarcastic and energetic. A pain in my ass, really."

"This is Nat's way to say she hates you," Harley teased. 

"I'm holding a gun, Junior, don't make me use it," Cat replied. "Wait, I think Clint told me about her at some point, cause he said she was my age— was it Elena?"

"Yelena," The woman corrected. "You would've liked her..."

"You think any normal person would agree to be friends with Cat?" 

"You did," Nat pointed out. 

"It has its benefits," He admitted with a smirk.

"I'm not an asshole all the time, you know?" Cat poked his side. "I just like watching you throw a fit."

"Two drops of water, you and Yelena," Nat smiled.

Harley checked his watch. "I should go, my roommate's probably freaking out about the dishes I didn't wash. See you next week, Stray— Nice to meet you, Nat!"

"Take care, kid."

"See you!"

Copycat walked him to the compound's entrance and bid him goodbye, she watched as he went away, then returned to the room.

"How do you find those guys?" The woman questioned. 

"By that you mean..?"

"Good-tempered, intelligent..." Nat said in amusement. "All your close friends are that way."

"Kurt and Rocket are hardly good-tempered."

"And yet they brought you back as soon as you asked them to," Her friend crossed her arms. "Making men spineless can be an advantage. It's a talent you shouldn't waste."

Cat smiled playfully. "Learned it from you, I think."

"Sure, just don't trust any person that's attracted to younger people," Nat retorted.

"Oh, but life's far easier when people hand you stuff on a silver platter, don't you think? Why would I stop them from giving me attention? Men are such puppies."

"I think Tony wasn't all that mistaken when he said you'd end up breaking hearts."

"Maybe," Cat looked down at her claws and cleaned the gun's dirt away. "But I can't control that."


"I'm turning you off, Fry-pan."

"Good luck."

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