57. Cultural Fest

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75. "Stop the water!"

Kyo used to hate cultural festivals, even this morning he dreaded coming to school.

But now he's having second thoughts.

As he sees Tohru get out of the changing room in her waitress outfit, his heart literally starts pounding like a hummingbird's wings. She looks so darn beautiful!

There is something classy about that outfit, and seeing Tohru in it does something to Kyo. And when she looks up and gives him a shy smile with a deep blush adorning her cheeks, he thinks he might combust.

"Wow, Honda's looking cute."

Kyo glares death at his classmate who dares to comment about his girlfriend. The classmate flinches and quickly says, "Sorry, Kyon! Slip of tongue!"

Kyo gives a final menacing glare at the guy and heaves a sigh. As his gaze lands back on Tohru, a smile automatically appears on his face.

He walks to her and takes both of her hands in his. Her blush deepens as they are in the classroom, surrounded by their classmates. But Kyo has long gotten over that stage of embarrassment, so he's pretty confident when he says, "See? I told you that you'd look absolutely fantastic."

She tries not to be nervous under the unwanted gazes as she looks up at him and beams proudly, "Thank you! You do too! Kyo-kun looks very handsome!"

It's his turn to blush.

Just like she's wearing a waitress outfit with a mid-thigh length black skirt, a chiffon white blouse with a white skirt apron, he's also wearing a waiter outfit with black slacks, a white shirt, a black suit, and a bow tie (the bow tie is killing him). Their class is doing a British Café this year, after all.

"Thanks, I guess," he says shyly, still blushing.

"Aww, how cute," Saki says in the creepy monotone voice she always does and makes Kyo jump a foot in the air at her sudden appearance.

"I know, right? They are so grossly cute, it makes me wanna puke," Arisa adds.

"You guys gotta stop sneakin' up on me!" Kyo bellows.

Arisa shrugs and saunters over to Tohru to hug her. "You look so adorable! Momma is so proud!" She gushes, and Saki joins.

The three of them hug each other in the mushy-mushy way they do which makes Kyo roll his eyes.

"It's not even your shift, what are you guys even here for?" Kyo grumbles and fidgets with his bow tie a little.

Arisa shoots him a mischievous grin. "Why else do you think?"

Kyo gives her a flat look. "To order me around?"

"Bingo! And to make fun of your outfit!"

"What's wrong with my outfit?" he growls.

"It is nothing. It merely prompts me to think of a crow in peacock's feather," Saki muses.

"Are you calling me a fucking crow?"

"Nuh-uh, Hanajima. It's a stray cat finally getting a bell around his neck," Arisa quips, pointing at his bow tie.

"You guys suck!"

Kyo hasn't even started his two-hour shift, and he is already drained. But as Tohru gives him an encouraging smile, he thinks he can get through this without snapping someone's neck. Perhaps.


"I'm done for now!" Kyo lets out as soon as the clock hits twelve and his current shift is over. He quickly loosens his bow tie and takes a big dramatic breath. "Finally, I can fucking breathe."

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