Chapter 14

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A/N- hey guys! Guess who it is (hint: it's not Katrina). YEP ITS JESS, IM BACK. Okay so I know I haven't written for a while but I swear, I've had writers block for such a long time on this fanfic. I've tried to write some chapters a few times and only just gotten past the a/n but I have an idea for this part. I hopefully will be writing more chapters on this fanfic and I know when Kat goes and reads this she's going to cry because I've updated 😂 anyway... On with the chapter.

*Jess's POV*

"I'm sorry girls, you're off the tour" Michael said, refusing to look at any of us. I can't tell if I'm heartbroken or angry as hell. I mean I wouldn't be as pissed if we had done it but because we hadn't even touched the set, it has pissed me off... It's pissed us all off.

We all looked at each other. I don't think any of us were crying until that point, then silent tears ran down all our faces.

"Right we'll get our stuff then" Katrina said, being the most composed one of the lot.

"I just want you to know, if we had done it... We would have made sure they all ended up in hospital" Dee said getting very close to Michael's face. It hurts, knowing that he didn't believe us... Or me at least, I thought we had something, apparently not.

I turned round and started packing all our stuff. "Could you all get out now?" I asked in a bitchy tone. Well as bitchy as you can when you've been crying.

"Jess.." Michael said, looking as if he was going to cry. No he doesn't get to look like that, it was as much he decision as the rest of them.

"No, you could have stopped that. You could of believed us. Instead you sided with them, don't talk to me and get the fuck out" I said pointing at the door. As I turned around I got a glimpse of The Vamps and I tell you what... They almost look guilty, almost.

"Guys, what are we going to do? Our management are going to kill us!" Alice said after we got our stuff together.

"We tell them the truth. Joe knows us better than anyone. He'll know we didn't do it." Dee said, I hope they believe us. They know how much this tour meant to us and they know we wouldn't get ourselves chucked off it.

"Joe also knows when we're lying so don't worry and guys, maybe this was meant to happen, maybe we were meant to get chucked off the tour, so we could pursue other, greater things?" Dee said.

"I know but we have disappointed so many fans" Kat said. I totally get it, we have and that's the worst thing.

"Okay guys, I'll tweet about it" I said, getting my phone out. We all sat round my phone and started writing a twit longer for our fans, as they are the ones they have paid money, not only to see 5 seconds of summer but to see us aswell.

'@Relentless~ hey guys, so we're here writing a twit longer because we have some very disappointing news. We're not going to sugar coat to make the other parties involved not look bad because they have brought this upon themselves. We have been chucked off the 5 seconds of summer tour. This is due to the vamps messing with their own set and blaming it on us, they also decided to plant evidence in our room. Even though 3/4 of 5SOS believed us (we will keep there identities secret as they aren't bad lads and we would regret outing them if we did) the other member didn't.

Both bands had been warned about pranking and were told that the next one to prank the other would be chucked off the tour, so we knew it was serious and didn't do anything to the boys. Now I hope you guys will believe us as we always own up to the pranks we pull on the vamps and I hope in the future the boys will see this has gone to far and will own up but until then we will not have anything to do with them as this war has gotten out of hand and we have gotten incredible hurt by it.

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