Chapter 8

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Hey guys so i hope you like it, esspicially because i had to write it twice!! stupid mothing effing thing!

*Jess's POV* (Going back a little bit to Jess and Dee being on the bus with the boys)

"HOW THE FREAK COULD THEY DO THIS TO US?!" I screamed at Dee as we sat on our beds. Alice and Katrina, the bloody idiots leaving us here.


"You guys are sat right next to each other... STOP YELLING!" Connor yelled, to which I stuck my middle finger up at him because you know... why the hell not?

"Shut up, we didn't need your input Connor." I growled turning back to Dee.

"We need a plan, and a freaking good plan at that." I said, looking around for inspiration.

"Have you got a plan yet??" Dee asked, looking hopefully at me.

"No, Dee it's been literally two seconds. You actually need to think of something as well."

"Two minds are better than one... Even if it's ours." She smiled.

"Ooh I have one!" I smiled, knowing it was a good idea.

"Why do care to expand." Davina laughed trying to sass me. No Dee, stick to what you know!

"Well..." I said explaining my plan quietly, hoping the boys didn't hear.

"Hey Girls!" Connor and James said walking through to the bunk beds holding water sprayers.... No, they wouldn't.

"Oh we would." They smiled, so I said that aloud.

"TAKE COVER!!!!" I screamed diving into Katrina and Alice's beds. Well if they are going to leave us in here, we're going to make sure they spray their beds not us or our beds.

"CONNOR THAT WAS IN MY BLOODY EYE!" I screamed getting some water in a sprayer and spraying him so his hair was flat. We turned around to see James wrapped in toilet roll and Dee extremely wet, like she'd been in the shower.

"What the fuck happened to you two?" I laughed.

"He pushed me into the shower so I wrapped him in toilet roll." Davina said like it was a normal thing.

"Um, okay then." I laughed, turning round to see Brad and Tris looking at their phone screens not even bothering to look at any of us.

"Dude I think you need to take the toilet roll off." Connor said, dragging him into the bathroom.

Brad and Tris followed behind them like little puppies.

"Should we lock them in?" Dee asked.

"It's like you read my mind!" I laughed.

We walked and propped a chair up against the door handle. It was quite a big bathroom, if your using it as a bathroom and not a prison.

"GIRLS YOU TWATS LET US OUT!!" They screamed, banging on the door.

"Nah we're good." I smiled sitting back on the couch and turning my IPad on to look at the twitter world. Luckily our tour bus had its own wifi, cool huh?

"PLEASE, CONNOR JUST FARTED! WE REALLY NEED TO GET THE FUCK OUT!" Tris screamed, which made me and Dee just laugh harder.

"Oh Dee, Joe's face-timing!" I said calling her over to the couch.

"Hey girls, how's the bus trip going?" Joe asked. I don't understand why Joe and 5 Seconds Of Summers manager both got a massive tour bus to share. There's only two of them and there's like 8 of us and we don't even like each other so I really don't know how this tour is going to go.

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