Chapter 7

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A/N Hey guys! It's Katrina here. Um, I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while and Jess has been nagging me too update but I've just been really busy. I'm so sorry! There's also a picture of the girls tour bus on the side so you should go check that out <3

Love you all and enjoy the chapter!

Kitty Kat xxx


Katrina's POV

After we came off stage from performing and talking to the audience, we ran smack into the guys. They all looked pretty flustered and annoyed.

I smirked at Tristan.

"Aww, what's wrong? Did someone hide all your hair gel?"

He decided to ignore my comment and skip straight to the point.

"Why are you guys so happy? You weren't supposed to like your hair! That was the point of the prank! And just while we're on the subject, why isn't your hair blue like it's supposed to be?"

Jess scoffed.

"Well obviously someone didn't listen to any of our interviews or our talk with the crowd."

Connor rolled his eyes.

"Why would we waste our time listening to you?"

"Maybe so you don't have to ask stupid questions that everyone else already knows the answer to idiots."

I decided to stop this argument before it went any further and stepped in.

"I like it better when the stylist washes my hair backstage before a show so I had no intention of putting your stupid smurf shampoo on my head. Thanks for the girls new looks though. It made us twice as cute as we were before and now we all look like we've had our hair dyed. You did us a favour boys."

James shook his head.

"You look ridiculous."

Alice scoffed.

"Oh really?I love my hair and from the amount your buddy over there is looking at me, I'd say you love it too."

She moved her eyes in Brad's direction and he blushed, looking down.

"I was not looking at you! I don't think I could stand to look without going blind."

Woah, defensive much?

Tristan's head looked like it was about to explode.

"Can we get back to the point here please?! You're not supposed to like your hair so stop telling people that you do!"

I smiled and took a step forward, pulling my phone out of my back pocket and holding it behind my back.

"I really don't think so. You don't own us and you can guarentee that we're coming for you for this. We might not be supposed to like our hair but the fans love it. Do you know what else they love? Real close ups of their idols."

He gave me a really confused look before exchanging glances with the other guys.


I pulled my phone out from behind my back and snapped a lovely picture of Tristan with a zoom on his flies which were undone.

The other girls laughed and high-fived behind me while I saved the picture and put my phone back into my pocket before he could grab it. I made sure to show him the picture first though.

He growled.

"Delete that right now Katrina!"

I chuckled softly.

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