Chapter 13

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A/N Hey guys! It's me again as Jess says she's too lazy to write it! The cheek! Hopefully the schedule will be back to normal for the next chapter! We are so sorry that you've had to wait this long for an update but we're in a pretty important year at school which involved a lot of exams so for the next few months you might have to try and be patient with us. Hope you enjoy ~ Kitty Kat
Katrina's POV
I can't believe they are doing this to us. How could they? I thought maybe we had something but I guess not. How could he believe them over us? How could any of them? I just can't believe we're off the tour.

*24 hours earlier*
Calum's POV
Things have been so calm since that night when we all went out together. I have no idea what changed that night and whether everyone just had a bit too much to drink but I'm happy about it. There haven't been any more pranks, the shows have been going amazing and apart from a couple of arguments backstage The Vamps and Relentless seem to actually be getting along.

Well I wouldn't exactly say getting along. It's not like they are suddenly friends or anything. It's more that they just ignore each other whenever they see each other but as long as they aren't fighting on our tour I really don't mind.

I've been spending more time with Katrina than ever but the problem is that either Ashton or Luke is pretty much always there too and I just wish that I could spend some time alone with her.

Today marks the middle of the tour meaning that we only have around 25-30 shows left to do before we're finished. I'm actually quite relieved that we haven't lost an opening act yet because with the way things started out I really thought we were gonna have to kick one of them off the tour at some point.

I'm currently sat on our tour bus with Kat, Jess, Luke, Ashton and Michael. All the others are on their own tour bus. I think Katrina and Jess prefer not to ride on that bus unless they are gonna sleep because it's just too hard for them not to fight with the boys whereas it's easier for Alice and Davina to not rip their heads off.

Hopefully, everything is going as well on the other bus as it is on ours.
James' POV
I quickly ducked as Alice threw an apple at my head, narrowly missing it. Wow that bitch has good aim. I'm so done with them but I know I won't have to deal with any of them for much longer as long as tonight works out as planned.

What? You didn't think we were really going to let them get away with what they did that night with the microphones did you? Really? You don't know us better than that by now?

We know it was them who messed with us even if they deny it but we also know that we can't prove it to get them kicked off the tour. And that's means that if we really want to get those girls kicked off of this tour then we have to create a set up. While everyone thought things were calming down and the rest of the tour was going to run smoothly, we were just plotting our revenge.

Unfortunately, in order to set them up we have to suffer in the process but at least this way we can make sure that we don't have to suffer again and that matters way more to us than one show. I'm so ready for tonight. I'm so ready to get rid of them.

Luke's POV
We all got off the bus and started getting ready for tonight's show that was in roughly an hour. No one had seen the girls since the ride which we all thought was a bit weird because they normally hang out with us right before they go on stage. I think as much as we were all trying to ignore it, the fact that they weren't here worried us. It almost felt like they were planning something... I really hope they aren't planning something.

We knew The Vamps were behaving themselves because they came to borrow some equipment from us to set up their instruments with and then we saw them later side stage setting up. It was just the girls who we couldn't find.

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