Chapter 18

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A/N Hello... It's me... Hehehe I had too. Hey guys it's Kat! I was rereading this story and got a random idea for a new chapter so I thought I might as well do something creative with my time instead of binge watching 'Shadow Hunters' on Netflix. Sorry for being gone so long and I hope you enjoy ~ Kitty Kat

Alice's POV

Something is very wrong here... I haven't quite worked out what it is yet but something has changed.

After we finished that stupid little team building exercise earlier, Joe let us all come back to our cabins for a couple of hours before we had to meet up again for dinner. I decided to spend my free time in Davina's cabin but as I was going back to mine and Kat's cabin to change I saw Tristan attempting to sneak through our joined bathroom back into his own cabin. How weird is that?

I walked through the door slowly, finding Kat leaning against our bathroom door with this weird smile on her face.

"Um excuse me, what was that about?" I asked, narrowing my eyes suspiciously.

She jumped a little when she heard my voice.
"What was what?"

"I swear Tristan just tried to sneak through our bathroom like your dirty little secret... Something you would like to tell me?" I asked, peering around the room for any signs of what they were doing.

She laughed, almost obnoxiously loudly.
"Tristan? My dirty little secret? Yeah right! Liz, that thought makes me want to puke! He just came in here to pick another fight about me storming out of the activity. Same old Tristan, same old me."

There was something about her little story that I didn't quite believe but I decided not to push it.

"Come on, Joe promised he had a surprise for us at dinner and I'm really hoping it's Nando's." I laughed, grabbing a cute floral skirt and a pink off the shoulder crop top from my closet and throwing them on.

As we were walking out to our arranged meeting point, we noticed the area that had just been a giant field earlier was now filled with a couple of picnic tables and a barbecue. There was also a small fire pit that had been set up in the centre of some deckchairs and upon closer observation, we saw that there appeared to be name cards set out in different places at the table which was probably another one of Joe's brilliant ideas to force us to spend time with The Vamps.

I would argue, but from observation I think it works better to just get on with whatever is thrown at us by this point. I mean, if we don't everything just seems to get worse.

Me and Kat skipped past the area quickly but still managed to be late for meeting up with the others. Let's just say, we got yelled at for "making everyone else late for dinner" and for "neglecting our responsibility to keep to the timetable". Who comes up with this bullshit?

After Joe had finished having a go at us, with additional support from Brad, we ended up walking back over to the picnic tables that me and Kat had just passed. Why we couldn't have just met everyone there I have no idea.

As it turned out me, Kat, Brad and Tristan were sat on one table while Jess, Davina, Connor and James were sat at the other. The only good thing about this situation was that Joe had gone to get us Nando's but only after making us promise not to kill each other while he was gone.

I had agreed to that to start with but it's only been 5 minutes sat next to Brad and I'm already going insane. I swear this guy never shuts up. Ugh, I looked at Kat expecting to see her with the same 'I'm going to scream' expression I had except she was... Smiling?

Her and Tristan appeared to be conversing... I knew something had changed between them. They should be fighting right now. I should've known Kat would be the first to crack in this feud. My money was on Jess but this makes equal amounts of sense.

I'm confused though. How did they go from screaming at each other during the activity a couple of hours ago to this? I've got some detective work to do. I always thought I'd be a great spy. Might as well use this mission to test out a possible career. I mean, I know the band is doing well but it never hurts to have a back up plan.

I'm gonna get to the bottom of this.

Katrina's POV

"You know, I still haven't forgiven you for everything right? Getting us kicked of the 5SOS tour was going way too far."

What? I mean, I know this isn't the best way to go about solidifying a peace offering but I'm not exactly gonna just let him off the hook after everything that's happened between us. I can't do that.

"I know Kat. I don't want you to forgive me for that. It's like I can't forgive you for... That... but we can talk and maybe one day we won't completely despise each other. It's worth a shot right?" He sounded so optimistic. It's weird. It's like he actually cares a little.

I was about to reply when I noticed that Alice was staring at us through narrowed eyes and I could tell she was seriously suspicious. So I stayed quiet and put the 'I'm going to scream' look on my face that I knew she'd be expecting. I don't know how much of an effect it had but hopefully it's enough to hold off her questions for now.

Luckily, Joe came back a couple of minutes later with the food which kept everyone quiet for a while but I was still really curious about Joe's surprise.

"Hey Joe, was Nando's the surprise you told us about? Because as much as I love food, I feel like this was extremely anti-climactic."

Joe laughed.

"Well thank you Katrina, it's good to know that the food I drove 20 minutes to get from the middle of nowhere was 'anti-climactic' but no. This wasn't the surprise. The real surprise should be arriving any minute now..."

And as if on cue, the four boys I had missed more than anything appeared across the field. I didn't even think about it, I literally started running at them and Davina was close behind me followed by Jess and then Alice was more just fast walking because "running isn't her thing".

The guys were smiling and Luke was the first one to get to me, picking me up and spinning me around. I nuzzled my head into his neck, inhaling his scent.

"I've missed you so much!" I could practically hear the smile in his voice.

"I've missed you too Lukey. What are you guys doing here?" I asked as he put me down and I jumped at Ashton. One of the advantages of being 5ft is that I'm not exactly heavy so these guys all kind of catch me with ease.

Ashton smiled.

"Well Joe knew it wasn't exactly gonna be easy to convince you guys to stay here and work through your differences so he thought that a visit from us every now and again might motivate you to stay."

Jess scoffed, hugging Michael.

"I don't think anything could motivate us to stay here."

I pulled back from Ash and noticed that Calum was kind of hanging back. He was playing with the bottom of his flannel and looking at the ground.

I left the others to their conversation and they kind of drifted back towards the table. I don't think Calum even realised I was there until I was stood right in front of him and he could see my shoes. He looked up pretty quickly.

"Oh uh, hey Trouble."

"Hey Cal, I missed you."

"I uh, I missed you too. Like a lot." He smiled, that goofy nervous smile that it felt like I hadn't seen for so long.

"Do I get a hug then doofus?" I joked, mocking offense that he hadn't already given me one.

He chuckled, becoming a little more confident.

"Of course."

I wrapped my arms around him as he brought me in for a bear hug. We stayed like that for what felt like hours but I didn't really care. It wasn't until I looked back at the other guys, who were fist bumping The Vamps that I noticed Tristan glancing over at me and Cal and then looking away. What is with him today? First he wanted to 'be civil' and now he's giving me weird looks? Did this boy have a personality transplant? I need to figure all this out. I need to get to the bottom of this.

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