Chapter 15

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A/N Kat is back again guys! I'm gonna start tagging a question on each of my chapters and I'd love you to answer in the comments. Also me and Jess have a new fanfic about The Vamps and The Tide so you guys should go read that. Love you all ~ Kitty Kat.
Katrina's POV

The show we did for the fans at the last minute went really well but me and the girls are still so upset about what happened.

I just don't know how Calum, Luke and Ashton could've promised me that they'd fight for us and then we still get kicked off the tour anyway.

I was in our dressing room collecting the last of my stuff when I noticed a figure stood at the door. I was ready to give Calum or Ashton a piece of my mind when I turned around but was shocked to find Tristan watching me pack.

I sniffed, wiping my eyes and glaring at him.
"What do you want Evans?"

"I uh- I wanted to see if you were okay..." He murmured. I only just managed to hear him.

"Am I okay? AM I OKAY? Do you even understand what you've done?"

He looked behind him, glancing around to see if anyone was around. I guess he spotted someone because he decided to deny it.
"Don't you mean what you've done? You got yourself kicked off the tour by messing with us."

"Cut the crap Tristan! We all know that we didn't do this! Would you just get in here?" I said, pulling his arm and slamming the door closed behind him.

"Do you know how much you've hurt us? Hurt me?"

"Look, we didn't mean for it to go this far... You made this happen! You messed with our microphones and don't try and deny it because we know it was you."

I guess if I'm forcing him to be honest then I have to be as well.

"Fine! But we only did that because you trapped me and Jess in a closet before stealing our stage time. Look, we could go back in this ridiculous feud for days but the fact is that this time you took it too far."

"I know-"

"No I don't think you do. Have you got any idea how much this tour meant to me? Do you?"

He stayed silent, looking at the floor.

"This tour meant everything to me Tristan. This was an amazing opportunity for us. We aren't as famous as you guys are. We just wanted the chance to put ourselves out there and you took that away from us."

"I- I don't know what to say Katrina."

"There isn't anything you can say. You took this way too far."
I got up really close to his face, pointing my finger at him.
"But don't think that this is over. We will find a way to get revenge. When we're finished with you, you'll know what it's like to lose something important to you."

He backed away from me but not out of fear, he was laughing.
"Look, I might be sorry for what happened but I'm not exactly scared of a 5ft pixie with anger issues."

I picked up my stuff, looking back at him once more as I opened the door.
"You might not be yet, but you will be."

And with that I walked out, bumping into Luke just as I reached the door. I kept my eyes trained on the floor, trying to get past him.

He tilted my chin up so I was looking at him and smiled, the kind of smile that I couldn't stay mad at.
"Luke... Don't. Please."

"Katrina, I'm not letting you leave without saying goodbye."

"I can't Luke. I need to be mad at you. It'll hurt too much if I'm not." I tried to get out of his grip but it was useless.

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