Chapter 17

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A/N Hey guys! It's Katrina! It feels like it's been forever but hopefully this chapter will be worth the wait.

Katrina's POV

Ever since the announcement happened we've kind of all been dreading this stupid trip.

We were doing everything we could to avoid actually getting in the car and driving back to our arranged meeting point, but yet everyone still arrived on time. Maybe on some levels, there were parts of us that wanted this trip to make things better but at the same time we still can't forgive them for everything that happened between us.

We all arrived at six like we were meant to and then boarded a minibus alongside The Vamps and Joe. It was pretty silent for the entire car ride which considering we can't normally breath the same air as those boys without world war 3 breaking out was quite unsettling.

When we reached camp I think everyone was just relieved that we could all maybe get away from each other. No such luck...

"Okay guys, you have 30 minutes of free time to put your suitcases in your cabins and then we expect you to meet us right back here for your first activity of the day." Joe said, in a way perkier voice than was necessary.

"Woah, what? What do you mean activity?" Tristan asked. Ugh, his voice just makes me want to strangle him. Guess I'm gonna have to get used to that feeling.

"Did you really think that you were going to be independent on this trip? Like we were going to let all of you lock yourselves in your cabin and not speak to the other group. That kind of defies the point of the trip." Joe sassily replied.

At this point I don't know whether to be more smug that Tristan just got sassed out or more proud of Joe for doing the sassing.

Joe dismissed us shortly after that and we all went and found our cabins. It was two to a cabin but unfortunately the girls and boys cabins were all interlinked meaning that we were in a cabin right next to two of The Vamps. AND WE HAVE TO SHARE A BATHROOM! I have never been more outraged or repulsed in my entire life.

I was in a cabin with Alice and we were sharing our bathroom with Tristan and Brad. This is literally like my worst nightmare coming true. I swear to God, if they hog the shower then I will not be held responsible for my actions.

After dumping our suitcases and taking a few minutes to regroup and give each other a pep talk, me and Alice set back off towards the meeting point accidentally bumping into our bathroom buddies who were just coming out of their cabin. Ugh. There is no escape.

We kind of just stood there and glared at each other. I feel like I'm in a western movie, like what the heck is going on?

That's when Alice took a step forward and got in Brad's face.
"Look, stay out of our way and we'll stay out of yours."

"Do you really think that's possible airhead? They are gonna make it as difficult as possible for us to stay away from each other and you know it." Brad replied, knocking her shoulder as he walked past us. Jerk.

Tristan followed shortly after but he did something completely out of the ordinary. I swear he actually just sent a small smile in my direction...

I probably read it wrong. It must've just been one of his stupid smirks. That or he's trying to psych me out.

We all arrived at the meeting point where Jess, Davina, Connor and James were already waiting and then Joe lead us through the woods before handing us blindfolds.

"This is it. This is where Joe decides he's done with us and he just shoots us all now." Jess said dramatically, eyes widening.

"At least then we'd be out of our misery!" Tristan muttered, sending a glare in her direction.

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