Chapter 9

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A/N Hey guys! Katrina here! I hope you enjoyed Jess' chapter and please make sure to go and vote for that. Everything just got serious didn't it? No more pranks. It's all going down. I hope you enjoy this chapter and I'll try and update more quickly.

Remember to vote and comment!

Love you guys!

~Kitty Kat 💜


Katrina's POV

I woke up with a shock as the tour bus turned a corner and I rolled off of the sofa I was laying on, falling onto a lanky boy who woke up with a groan.

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes to find myself looking down at Tristan, who glared at me like I'd just killed his puppy or something.

"Watch where you're rolling, stupid bitch. Some of us are trying to sleep down here!"

I rolled my eyes, attempting to stand up but being pulled straight back down by something on my wrist.

Tristan groaned again, having the wind knocked out of him.

"Okay, normally I wouldn't care because I don't like you but that looked like it actually hurt so I'm half sorry. What the fuck is wrong with me?"

He just rolled his eyes and pushed me off him, attempting to stand up but when I felt a pull on my wrist, he slipped back onto the floor.

Tristan started to get really pissed off and it was only then that I felt the cold metal that was closed around my wrist. I started cursing under my breath, figuring out exactly what was going on.

"Fucking Jess! I know she's behind this. That's why she's not on the fucking bus!"

Tristan still looked half asleep and pissed off.

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

I pulled my wrist up, pulling his up in the process.

"We're handcuffed you twat!"

I think it might have taken a couple of minutes for it to sink in for him so he kinda just sat there with his mouth open, glancing from me to our wrists and then back to me.

"This can't be happening. I mean, I didn't even do anything to them yesterday! Haven't I suffered enough? I fell off a treadmill for crying out loud! Why does all the bad stuff happen to me?!"

I scoffed.

"Oh would you stop being so innocent. You bring the majority of this shit on yourself. May I remind you that you tried to dye my hair and you did dye all the other girls hairs!"

He rolled his eyes.

"That was because you ruined our car for the interview and glued our jeans to the seat!"

"And we did that because you dumped paint all over me and Alice!"

"Because of what you did to us at the BBMA's!" He retorted with a cocky look on his face.

"And we did that because we hate you! You know what you guys did to us and then you've been ruining our lives ever since! We're never going to forgive you and we're never going to stop!"

"You ruined our lives long before we began ruining yours! We'll never forgive you either and if you think your gonna win this then you are so wrong!"

I growled at him before pushing him away, momentarily forgetting about the handcuffs and being pulled forward when he fell back. How dare he have the nerve to try and say that we ruined their lives first! They know exactly what they did to us and I refuse to let them play the innocent victims!

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