Chapter 19

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Guys it's Jess! Are you shocked?? Because I am. Kats always complaining at me for not updating but I never know what to write😂 but I got an idea so I'm here and writing, hope you enjoy it.

**Jess's POV**
The 5SOS boys turning up was just what we needed. Joe had even decided it was safe enough to leave us alone! Which we were all very relieved about because his 'team building' exercises were obviously not going to work. It's cute that he's trying though.

Currently we're all sat around the little camp fire, laughing and joking. I was sat beside Kat and Michael. Even The Vamps were sat with us. It almost felt like we were back to being how we were 4 years ago, before everything happened. This right here reminds me of the time me, Conor, Kat and Tristan had our own little camp fire in my back garden when my parents went on holiday.


"CONOR PUT ME DOW- DONT THINK ABOUT PUTTING- YOUR COMING DOWN WITH ME" I screamed as Conor through me into the swimming pool.

"You weren't meant to drag me down with you" he laughed as he came back up for air. We stood in in the pool, soaking went just staring up at the night sky. "Come here"  Conor smiled. Pulling me into a hug, being in his arms just makes me feel safe. Like he won't let anything hurt me.

"We leave you out here for 2 minutes to go and get marshmallows and your in the pool" Karen laughed, walking outside with the marshmallows as Tristan enters the garden carrying blankets.

"Come on in, you know you want to" I smiled to Kat. Me and Kat have literally been best friends for years and even though we have had some quite nasty fall outs. We WILL always be sisters, for life. No matter what! And I can honestly say I truly mean it, I love this girl to bits.

"We're coming in." Tris smiled smashing into Kat, pushing both of them into the pool. We all stood there splashing each other and dancing in the water.

Tris and Conor decided it was time to get out and eat, because they were hungry, like always! Me and Kat laughed and followed them. The four of us sat round the campfire, laughing, joking and singing. I loved it when Conor smiled. It made his eyes twinkle.

**end of flashback**

His eyes haven't changed, they still twinkle when he's truly happy. I had almost forgotten what they looked liked happy, I was so used to seeing his eyes, dark with anger and hurt in them. Anger and hurt that me and the girls had coursed.

"Jess, are you okay?" Kat asked, turning to me. "Yeah sorry, I was just thinking. I'm going to go for a walk, want to come?" I asked Kat getting up, she nodded and we walked into the woods. For a while it was just silent. We were both thinking, before Kat broke the silence.

"I miss it" she whispered as we sat on a log. I new exactly what she meant, because I miss it too. I miss them.

"I miss them, I miss the old us, before the group, before the fans, before the feud." I said back, we both stared ahead of us, looking at the lake before us.

"I spoke to Tristan today. I mean I really spoke to him. He wanted forgiveness. I just wanted to leap into his arms and tell him that I forget everything and we can go back to how it used to be, but I know it can't. To much has happened." Katrina said, her voice breaking ever so slightly. I think it hit me and Kat the most, we were the closest to the boys and when they broke our trust, let's go just say it hit us. It hit us really hard.

" I was thinking about that night in the summer before everything happened. When we went into my swimming pool. I wish I could go back in time and tell us never to enter that stupid competition to get signed. I want to tell us we can do it a different way, that'll it'll cost us our relationship with Conor, Tris, Brad and James. I probably wouldn't have listened to myself though." I chuckled at the thought. Kat nodded, an understanding nod.

"We can't change anything now" Kat says thoughtfully. "What we can do though is forgive and forget. If the other girls would be up for that though is a different story." Kat stated.

"We'll talk them round" I said, not very confidently mind you. We sat there having a general chit chat before Kat got up and brushed off the dirt from her leggings.

"I'm going to go back ,are you coming?" She smiled, I shook my head and quietly said 'goodbye' as she walked off. I just sat there and starred into the lake watching as I threw a pebble into it, watching all the different patterns as it sunk into the water.

I suddenly heard a twig snap from behind me. I whipped my head around as fast as I could and said 'Kat?'

"No, sorry" Conor said, sitting beside me, where Kat was minutes before.

"Hey" I whispered, not wanting to look at him.

"Are you- I mea is it... Bad again?" Conor asked, obviously referring to the panic attack I had, had previous to the trip. I wanted to scream at him that they were under control before he messed everything up... But I didn't.

"There getting worse. But I'm coping. I have the girls around me. They help me through it" I lied. Conor nodded slowly, looking at me concerned. I just looked ahead. I didn't want his pity. Not now.

"Why did you call my name? Why didn't you call for Kat?" Conor questioned. A question I've been asking myself since it happened.

"I don't know" I whispered again. I could feel myself getting upset, I don't know why though.

**Kats POV**

I walk back slowly, enjoying being by myself for a minute. I smile as I enter into the group circle again. Before I'm sit down I notice Conor get up and walk into the woods, he turns to me and gives me a questioning look before entering. I smile and nod, making sure he knows it's okay to go in. Before I sit back down and join the rest of the group. I sit beside Calum and notice Tristan starring at me again. As our eyes meet, his quickly dart onto the fire.

"Are you okay?" Calum asks, putting his arm around me, allowing me to share his blanket.

"I'm fantastic now" I smile, edging closer into Calum's chest. Breathing in his scent. Smiling.

I just sat there, listening to all the conversations going on around me, the laughter and happiness in there voices makes me smile. I go to look at Tristan but I notice he's gone...

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