Chapter 11

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A/N- JESS IS BACK! I just referred to myself in third person... Weird anyways, I'm here writing for you all hope it's okay, I'm sorry I didn't update the last chapter and it's taking me ages to update this one but Katrina did an amazing job on the last chapter right?? Anyway here you go😂😂

*Jess's POV*

So we can't do pranks on the boys anymore?? What? WHAT! I don't think the boys understand our hatred for The Vamps, they're literally our version of hell! And to be honest we are all quite caring people..well for the most part.

"So we're not allowed to even flour their heads??" I asked Luke.

"No, nothing, just ignore them and don't do anything, Jess I love you girls but I mean it, you will be off the tour" Luke said, in the most serious tone I have ever heard.

"Okay, but you guys don't understand the pain they have caused us" I said getting up an walking off, normally I don't let these twats )and by 'twats' I mean, The Vamps) get to me but today, I don't know, it just got to me, the 8 of us used to be so close but- I don't know, sometimes I just miss us all hanging out.

"Hey, are you okay?" Calum asked coming and sitting next to me, I lifted my head, wiping my eyes.

"Yeah, it's nothing, I'm fine" I sniffled, but the tears kept on rolling, why?? I don't understand why it's getting to me now!

"Come on Jess, tell me? Have the boys done something?" Calum asked, I put my head on his shoulder.

"No, not really, well yeah they have but they did it ages ago, the thing I'm upset about is that we all used to be so so so close, and they ruined that. I just miss it sometimes, especially because me and James had been close since we were about 2 years old" I said, the tears rolling off my cheeks and onto Cals shirt.

"I'm sorry, I know I couldn't help it but I'm sorry, I know us boys don't understand what's happened but you ever need to talk to us about it, we're here and we'll pretend we understand what your going on about" cal smiled, before side hugging me and getting up, as did I.

"Thankyou Calum" I smiled before heading off and walking round the corner straight into someone.

"Oh shit sorry- oh it's you" James said looking down, I got up and didn't even look at him or resort to his comment, I tried to walk away but he grabbed my hand.

"Jess, are you okay?" James said with a sympathising look.

"I'm fine" I said, turning my head, making sure he didn't see the tears rolling down my cheeks again.

"Come here" he said bringing me into a hug, I don't know why but I hugged back, it was nice but awkward.

"Jess where are- oh I've found her guys, stop the search party" Kat said looking between me and James. We both quickly jumped away from each other and walked separate ways.

"What was that,were you guys hugging?" Katrina asked as we got back into the dressing room.

"Yeah, we were, I was upset and he hugged me, don't worry I still hate him, they ruined our lives, just because he was nice to me, doesn't mean I've forgiven him..." I said sitting on the sofa.

"Why we're you upset Jessy" Kat asked sitting down beside me.

"I was thinking of the past, but it doesn't matter, I'm over it, now girls how are we going to get the boys back with out the 5SOS boys realising it's us?" I ask sitting up and looking around at everyone.

"Well, I have an idea but it's not going to be the best comeback we've ever had" Dee said sitting down next to me.

"What is it young one??" I smiled.

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