bye bye miss american pie

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New York, Winter

Snow is falling down of the sky and people taking walks. The sun has already set, as the sky is orange.

It is currently 7pm afternoon, me, Clint and Kate have decided to bake cookies. We had a really long day. Me and Clint trying to get his Ronin costume back.

As we are waiting for them to be done in the oven, we all three decided to sit down and talk about random things.

Everything was fine, until Kate asked a question.

"Okay, I have a question. Since both of you were a part of the OG Avengers. What was your favorite memory with one of the avengers?" Kate asks with excitement.

I chuckle and put my chocolate milk down on the table and lean back on the single sofa.

"Sure, let me think for a second." I tell the young archer with a smile as I run a hand through my hair.

"Yeah, let me too. I am old and need time to think." Clint says as he smiles.

"Oh come on old man, you are not that old!" I say with a laugh, which makes Kate also laugh.

"Shut up you idiot." Clint shakes his head with a chuckle.

I take a moment to remember and immediately find my favorite memory I have shared with a certain  red head.

I chuckle slightly at this and look at Kate.

"I had a friend. Well, she was more than a friend. But at the time of the memory, we were just friends. She picked me up for a mission and the drive was an hour long. I remember it vividly." I recall the unforgettable moment.

Clint looked at me with a sad smile. I smiled back at him. He knows who I am talking about.

Clint and Kate lean forward to listen closely and giving me their full attention.


We just got called in by Fury for a mission. Me and Natasha got ready.

Tasha is already in her suit with her weapons, waiting for me at the elevator.

I run down as quickly as I can. I catch a glimpse of her red hair.

As I get closer, I put my hands up in the air.

"I am so sorry, Nat. I could not find my stupid hidden blades." I approach the Avenger, while catching my breath. (A/N: If you play Assassins Creed, you know)

The woman just laughs at me and says, "It's okay, dorogoy. Lets go."

So that's what we did. Natasha pressed the button for the elevator.


The elevator door opens for us and we walk into the elevator. The door closes, when Natasha presses the button for 'garage'. Soon, I feel the elevator moving.

Tony invited me two days ago to his ultimate Stark party, of course I agreed. I love going to parties.

Since those two days, I have been thinking to ask Natasha to be my date for the night. The only problem is, that I am really nervous. I know Nat struggles with emotions and all that. At least I could try.

"Hey...uhm...Nat?" I ask nervous. Natasha turn her head to me and looks up at me.

"Yeah?" She ask with a small smile.

Okay, here goes nothing.

"I-I was wondering...If you maybe want to be my date to the party that is on Saturday-I think? You know the-the Stark party. Did-did you hear about it? Fr-from anyone? You don't have to come with me, I-I don't wanna force you. Yo-you know? And-" I rambled like a lost puppy.

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