Thank You

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I just realized this preference book is a year old and I wanted to thank the people who stuck around that long. You're dealing with a long break while I catch up on my fic and I'm sorry about it but I also appreciate you for it. Your support of this book helped me explore so many different characters and stories that I eventually want to write. I almost deleted it at one point because no one was reading it and I got worried but then the views and votes started rolling in. Now its got 85.4k views and 1.2k votes which is so cool.

The notifications of people adding to their library or voting or commenting are what pushed me on my journey to be a better writer. It may just be a hobby, but now I'm able to call it something I'm good at it and that's really big for me. I second guess my abilities a lot so to have people I've never met support me meant a lot more than having people who know me and like me support me because they think they have to. Thank you for the help and the support. It really does mean a lot.

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