Chapter 4: He Doesn't Know Me

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Chapter 4: He Doesn't Know Me

Photo on the side: Victoria

"What's up with your shirt?" Dylan asked as soon as I sit on the table.

"Let her be, Dylan" Victoria scowled at him and he stuck her tongue out at her in response. Well that was really mature.

"No, but being serious. Who the hell buys a shirt that says 'Unicorn Tears'?" He asked and I threw him a glare.

"Me, now drop it" I answered eating a mouth full of mash potatoes.

"Oh look at here, all the freaks are reunited" I hear that annoying voice that could only belong to Christie say beside us.

I turn to look at her and gave her an annoyed look before continuing to eat my food. "I think I've seen that outfit before on a thrift shop" She continued to say. Her minions started to giggle like it was the best insult in the world. Please my grandmother made yo mama jokes that were better than that.

I looked at her again and then at her small clothes. "You know what you're right, I love your outfit" I told her with a small smile and she smirked. "Did it also come with a pole?"

At that her smirked drop and my friends started to laugh. "Listen here bit-" She started to say but I interrupted her.

"Look, can you just leave? Your presence is no longer needed, actually it never was" I said and turned back to my food. But she took my appetite away so I just pushed the tray away from my body.

She turned around to leave but not before I heard her say "I hope she gets cancer like her brother". I think almost everyone close to us heard it because a huge silence swept over the cafeteria even my friends took a deep breath.

"What did you just say?" I asked standing up from my chair. Anger had consumed every freaking inch of my body. Nobody talks about my brother like that.

"I said that I hope you get cancer like your brother" She said slowly like I was a little kid or something.

I didn't think twice before my hand traveled through wind and hit her face. The slap sounded through the room and I was quite proud about that. She yelled and charged to me attempting to grab my hair. I took both of her hands and kicked her in the stomach.

She groaned and separated herself from me. Christie clawed her nails on my sweater, breaking it. I am so done with this female dog. I threw back my fist and hit her straight in the nose. There was a small crack from her nose. I was about to hit her again but I was pushed back. Arms took me by the waist and carried me out of the cafeteria.

"Let me go" I trashed around trying to break free.

"Calm down munchkin" Seth said in my ear and left me go. "Who knew you could fight like that?" He asked my hand and massaging it. It was red on the knuckles and thumb and it was a little numb. He started massaging my hand like I was a fighter or something close.

"There's a lot of things that you don't know about me" I answered and he raised an eyebrow.

"Second that" He whispered to himself before continuing on the massage. It was really good just saying. It was a little awkward but F it.

"I thought you said you were an only child" He said after a while making me take a deep breath.

"My brother died from leukemia when I was 13" He was about to answer but the principal called me.

"Noelle Adams report to the principal's office " The speaker boomed through the hallway making me wince.

"This ain't going to be good" I uttered and Seth nodded. "Good luck" He said letting go of my hand and walking down the empty hall.

I walked to the office and opened the door. Inside there was the principal, the nurse and Christie crying her eyes out with an icepad on her nose. I quickly sat down on the empty seat and waited for them to say something.

"Well I've been thinking about your punishment and have decided that Christie Road will receive a suspension of 3 days starting tomorrow. And for you Ms. Adams we will discuss your punishment when Ms.Road is no longer present" He said and motioned for Christie to leave. She threw me a glare before sniffling out of the door.

"Are you okay?" The nurse asked me sitting down on the seat that once was occupied by Christie.

"Yeah, my hand hurts a little but that's it" I answered giving her a small smile. She was a really friendly person and social as well.

"I mean about what she said? How are you coping with everything?" The principal asked me with clear concern in their eyes. Almost everyone knew about my brother which wasn't really easy but I deal with it.

"It's okay, but it just made me so angry that I snapped" I mumbled to him.

The principal was once the social worker on this school so I know I can talk to him about problems I'm having.

"If it was up to me I would've let you go without punishment but since I can't I must give you a warning. If you are ever caught in this type of situation again I must be oblige to suspend you too" He said sternly and looked down at his papers.

"You may leave" He said without looking at me. I uttered an okay and left the room only to trip when a paper I hadn't seen was on my way.

I fell hard on the floor and hit my head. A hand came into my line of vision and I took it getting back on my feet.

"Are you okay?" Seth asked looking me over.

"Yeah, thanks" I winced at the pain in my head. First my hand and now my head, best day of my life.

"Come on, I think you should go home" He said when he saw my expression.

"Yeah me too. Carry me to my car" I joked and he nodded. He grabbed me by the legs and carried me bridal style.

"Oh my god Seth. I was kidding" I squealed as he started walking towards the exit.

"Too late, you can't take it back now munchkin" He said and smirked.

"Can you stop smirking so much?" I said wrapping my hands around his neck so that I won't fall.

"Why? Does it bother you?" He asked looking in my eyes.

I found myself in that trance again but I managed to answer "Yes". He nodded and kept smirking.

And that's how I found myself being carried by Seth out of school with a smirk plastered on his face.

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent"
- Eleanor Roosevelt

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