Yoon Gwi-Nam pt 2.

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This is the one art two, of the Gwi-Nam crack.

Summary: after Y/n had said that to him he wouldn't stop bothering her and it was seriously starting to piss her off, but that only provoked Gwi-Nam.

Strong language.
asshole Gwi-Nam per usual.
And a feisty reader.
And a very soft Gwi-Nam at the end.


It was the next day and Y/n was driving to school with her two best friends per usual,
as they got out the car and walked into school Gwi-Nam then walked past Y/n purposely bumping shoulders with her as she hissed in pain

"What the fuck is his problem now?"

Y/n grumbled while holding onto her shoulder

"Well maybe he's still pissed about yesterday"

"I guess, he was wearing a dumb smirk again though, maybe he's gonna start bullying you Y/n.."

Wujin said trying to scare Y/n by holding her shoulder and making ghost noises as Y/n chuckled while Dae-su deadpanned at him

"Shut up Wujin I'll beat his ass before that can even happen!"

Y/n said as they walked into the class room and started to talk with their friends. 

Skip to lunchtime.

As Y/n was getting lunch with On-jo and I-sak Gwi-Nam then came by and flipped her food making it drop some on her uniform.

Y/n then looked up at him and his friends slowly and was about to punch him and she instead groaned and went up to Dae-su and asked him if she could borrow the extra shirt he always brought along.

Dae-su then nodded handing it to her as she walked away to the bathroom with I-sak and On-jo following her

"Oh what? Shes not gonna do anything this time?"

He said smirking as Myeong-Hwan rolled his eyes

"Serves that bitch right, see her mess with us again and ill fuck her up.

As Myeong-Hwan said that Gwi-Nam glared at him and walked away from their group and got his lunch.

Time skip to afternoon.

As Y/n was about to get in her car to drive home she was quickly stopped as she remembered she forgot to get her phone from under the table she then ran back into the school and got it but when she came back out

Gwi-Nam was there, alone. As she tried to walk past him and ignore him he grabbed her wrist tightly making her wince in pain as he grabbed her phone from her pocket

"Okay, what the fuck is your problem? And give me back my phone!"

Y/n said trying to reach up to his hand with not much success since this mf is basically a pole

"How about, you tell me what the fuck you said to me the other day?"

Y/n then sighed and crossed her arms

"Are you fucking with me right now? You could have just used google!!"

"Shut up. And tell me unless you want a broken phone."

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