Days are confusing

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It's gotten bad again...

It use to be the small things.

Like books, movies, and words.

To days, and memories, dates.

But now? Hes taken over my mind.

Ive lost tract of weeks now...

And what next? Months? Names? Faces?

Hes trapping me inside,

Watching from the depths of myself

Unable to rise above the water that

Pours out of my eyes.

This glass isnt half empty,

Its over flowing.

My actions arent, and have never been my own.

Because he lives within me...with the rest of them..

I know this sounds crazy, but I promise; Its my truth.

They watch ever second of my everyday.

Waiting impatiently to come out and play.

I won't let them win..

I won't let them lose...

I won't.

Poems: Gade 12- Present DayWhere stories live. Discover now