The Abyssal Ballet Of Life

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Life's tension is my lifeline,
Not seeking release in the hush of night.

Satisfaction, dull in your gaze,

It whispers of desires, fulfilled in despair

An end to the struggle, the urge to strive.

Tension, a demanding companion,

Stressful yet alive with feelings

Beyond the mundane, a reminder that I exist.

Alive, I tread the line, a razor's edge,

In the dance of tension, where shadows pledge.

Satisfaction, a corpse in cold embrace,

A grim triumph, a sinister grace.

No longer yearning, but chained I remain,

Embracing the tension, in anguish, I gain.

Thriving in darkness, where echoes refrain.

The rope pulls tight, the wire cuts deep,

Persisting through agony, no solace to keep.

In the tension, a symphony of despair,

A haunting melody, an unholy affair.

The threads, to which I know,

Are woven together inside of me.

Poems: Gade 12- Present DayWhere stories live. Discover now