Walking The Extra Mile

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God I have no idea where I am!

These past few years I feel as if

I'm just some sort of deformity

On this earth that just makeshifts

Through each dimensional wall,

Losing myself more and more.

My mind choreographed as my

Feet danced through, no balance...

Yet this may be a dream too.

But I dont feel them, I honestly feel

Like I'm looking into my own life

In 3rd person.

Physically taking in the metaphor

"Walk a mile in someone elses shoes."

But only I stepped into my own

To find out where I am headed.

I feel as if I live so much in the

Moment, that my future is being

Left on a cliff hanger,

Waiting for me to read on through.

Do you feel that too?

Poems: Gade 12- Present DayWhere stories live. Discover now