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Today I woke up

And I really didn't want to.

Today I saw my brother and my sister

They got in the car with me

And the drive was suffocating.

She laid across my lap.

Her hazel eyes, still glowing.

Her fur, still so beautiful...but falling out.

Getting out of the truck, and seeing her so scared

Entering that dark room

My brother cracks, then like dominos

We all crack, letting the tears flow

Today I had to watch as my bestfriend

Have a panic attack before the needle of

Sedatives kick in and watch as her body...

As my bestfriend who jumped, ran and played around with me

And others

Fall side ways agajnst the ground as the sedatives kicked in

My mothers grief whispering into her fluffy ears

Her eyes slowly closing more and more each second

And then they shut.

A symphony of broken hearts sounded an alarm

Her body twitching slightly before the doctors came

Took her away and gave her another sedative

5 treacherous minutes passed before I saw her limp body being brought back

Laid on the purple blanket under the tiny lamp

The sounds of waves folling my ears and her...

Never so silent.

Never so still

Another needle, and heaven greetedd her

"Her heart has offically stopped"

The man said...

I fell backwards. I couldnt breathe

I didnt want to

I didnt want to watch anymore

"We should leave..."mother said

But i begged and pleaded for her to wake back up

To take me with her

Today...I lost my bestfriend

Poems: Gade 12- Present DayWhere stories live. Discover now